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The Thirteenth Destroyer Flotilla participated in the Battle of Jutland with ten destroyers under the lead of the light cruiser Champion, screening the First Battle Cruiser Squadron.

Eight of these vessels delivered a torpedo attack against the enemy battle cruisers at about 4.15pm, after gun and torpedo battle with enemy destroyers who were similarly tasked.

They were organised as follows:[1][2]

At the same time, Nepean remained in harbour and Paladin, Negro, Nereus, Penn and Penn were in dockyard hands.[3]

Their official reports from the Jutland Official Despatches are as follows.


On 3 June, Captain (D) James U. Farie issued a report from his flagship.[4]

No. 60.
H.M.S. "Champion,"
3rd June 1916.
I HAVE the honour to forward the following report of
Proceedings of H.M.S. " Champion " and 13th Destroyer Flotilla
during the recent action of the 31st May–lst June 1916.
2. At 2.50 p.m., 31st May, H.M.S. " Onslow "and " Moresby "
were detached to join H.M.S. "Engadine," but attacked enemy
Battle Cruiser Fleet with remainder of Flotilla, as described in
paragraph 5.
3. At commencement of action station was taken up on the
starboard bow of .H.M.S. "Lion," Destroyers in company
being :—
" Nestor " - Commander Hon. Edward B. S.
" Nomad " - Lieut. Commander Paul Whitfield.
" Narborough " - Lieut. Commander JP Geoffrey Corlett.
" Obdurate " - Lieut. Commander Cecil H. H. Sams.
" Petard " - Lieut. Commander Evelyn C. O. Thomson.
" Pelican " - Lieut. Commander Kenneth A. Beattie.
" Nerissa " - Lieut. Commander Montague C. B. Legge.
" Onslow " - Lieut. Commander John C. Tovey.
"Moresby " - Lieut. Commander Roger V. Alison.
" Nicator " - Lieutenant Jack E. A. Mocatta.
" Termagant " - Lieut. Commander Cuthbert P. Blake.
" Turbulent " - Lieut. Commander Dudley Stuart.
(The last two named Destroyers being temporarily attached.)
4. At 4.30 p.m. Enemy's Battle Fleet was sighted by
" Champion " and reported to you.
5. At 4.15 p.m. the whole Flotilla was ordered to attack
Enemy Battle Cruiser Fleet. This attack was well carried out,
and it is thought that at least two Enemy Destroyers were sunk.
I regret to state that H.M.S. " Nestor " (Commander Hon.
E. B. S. Bingham) and H.M.S. " Nomad " (Lieutenant Commander
Paul Whitfield) did not return from this action, and must be
considered to have been sunk.
6. At 7.45 p.m. H.M.S. " Onslow " was reported unable to
steam, and was taken in tow by H.M.S. " Defender."
7. No further opportunity of attacking Enemy occurred
during. the day.
8. At night station was taken astern of Battle Fleet, course
South. About 11.30 p.m. heavy firing was opened on our
starboard beam, apparently at some of our Destroyers between
the 13th Flotilla and the enemy. I hauled out to the eastward
as I was unable to attack with any of our own Flotilla, our own
forces being between me and the Enemy. I then resumed course
South ; firing was observed at intervals during the night on
our starboard beam. Destroyers of the 13th Flotilla, with the
exception of H.M.S. " Obdurate " and " Moresby," lost touch
with me during the night. H.M.S. " Narborough " as Senior
Officer, reports that he took charge of the remainder, and rejoined
the Fleet at 9.45 a.m. on the 1st instant.
H.M.S. " Marksman " and " Maenad " joined me at about
2.30 a.m. At 2.50 a.m. course was altered to North to conform
with signal received from the Commander-in-Chief.
9. At 3.25 a.m. four Destroyers, steering southward, were
sighted ; owing to the mist I was uncertain at first who they
were ; but at 3.30 a.m. I made them out to be the enemy, and
opened fire, range about 3,600 yards. Two torpedoes were
fired at "Champion," the first one passing under our bows, the
second just missing close astern. Enemy passed on opposite
course, and when ship had been steadied after avoiding torpedoes,
the enemy had disappeared in the mist, and I resumed my same
10. At 4.30 a.m. H.M.S. " Obdurate " picked up two
survivors, and H.M.S. " Marksman " one survivor, from H.M.S.
" Ardent."
At 5 a.m. two rafts were sighted, and H.M.S. " Moresby "
rescued seven men, and H.M.S. " Maenad " eleven men, survivors
from H.M.S. " Fortune."
11. At about 6 a.m. H.M.S. " Marksman " was detached to
examine vessel to westward, which appeared to be a disabled
Destroyer, and lost touch with me. Nothing further occurred,
and I returned to base, by your orders, arriving at 3.30 p.m.,
2nd June 1910.
12. Letter of Proceedings from H.M.S. " Narborough," the
Senior Officer surviving from Destroyer attack, is attached.
Reports have been called for from remainder of 13th Flotilla,
and an addendum to this letter will be forwarded when the
reports have been collected.
13. In addition to loss of H.M.S. " Nestor " and "Nomad,"
H.M.S. " Turbulent " '(Lieutenant-Commander Dudley Stuart)
is reported by H.M.S. " Narborough " to have been lost sight of
at 0.30 a.m. on the 1st instant, and was probably rammed, or
sunk by gunfire.
Total casualties and names have not yet been ascertained.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
J. U. Farie,
13th Flotilla.

The Vice-Admiral Commanding

Battle Cruiser Fleet, H.M.S. " Lion."

On the 7th, Farie forwarded a collection of reports from his flotilla destroyers he'd collected in the previous days, but the full reports are also in the Despatches, and follow.


Narborough submitted her own report on 2 June.[5]

I HAVE the honour to report in accordance with your
orders the following movements of the 13th Flotilla on 31st May
and 1st June 1916.
Previous to action commencing the Flotilla was stationed
ahead of Battle Cruiser Squadron. Shortly after the action had
commenced Destroyers were ordered to attack with torpedoes,
second and third Divisions drew out to Port of " Champion "
in accordance with orders signalled to get ahead for attacking.
Third Division followed second Division down to the attack,
but " Petard " and " Turbulent " were separated by "Notting-
ham " crossing " Petard's " bows. " Petard " and " Turbulent "
proceeded independently.
Previous to turning, the German High Sea Fleet were
observed coming up from the Southward.
Before getting into the favourable position to fire Torpedoes,
enemy's Light Cruisers and Destroyers, fourteen or fifteen in
No., came across towards our Battle Cruiser Squadron, and were
intercepted by 13th and 9th Flotillas. General firing took place;
the Third Division were unable to open fire owing to the 9th
Flotilla, who had come up in the opposite direction, getting
between them and enemy Destroyers. Enemy's flotilla retired
to their own Battle Cruiser Squadron after short action. It is
thought that at least two enemy Destroyers were sunk.
The position of enemy's Battle Cruiser Squadron was then
unfavourable for firing Torpedoes, and in view of enemy's Battle
Fleet having been sighted, I decided not to fire Torpedoes at
long range at Battle Cruiser Squadron, but to retain all
Torpedoes for use pending Fleet action. Accordingly " Nar-
borough " and " Pelican " rejoined " Champion." The remaining
Destroyers of the 13th Flotilla rejoined " Champion " except
" Nestor " and " Nomad," who had been observed badly
Proceeded in company of " Champion " from 8 p.m. till
midnight. Firing was observed to starboard beam at intervals
between 10 and 11 p.m. and a heavy action at 11.30 p.m.
Several ships were seen on starboard beam about midnight, but
it could not be made out whether hostile.
At 0.30 a.m., 1st June 1916, a large vessel making much
smoke was observed crossing the rear of the Flotilla from
starboard to port at a fast speed. This vessel was thought to
be one of our Light Cruisers or an Armoured Cruiser of the
" Warrior " class, one of whom had been on our starboard
quarter during the First Watch. When on starboard quarter at
about 1,000 yards vessel switched on two red lights over one
green for a few seconds, then switched searchlights on to rear
boats and opened heavy fire. " Petard " was struck and
severely damaged; " Turbulent " was either rammed or heavily
shelled and no further note of her was obtained. Vessel was
immediately lost sight of owing to heavy smoke.
Flotilla then proceeded to the Westward.
At Daylight it was noticed that Destroyers ahead were not
in touch with " Champion." I took charge of Destroyers
13th Flotilla, consisting of " Narborough," " Pelican," " Ne
rissa," " Nicator," and " Petard," and placed myself under
orders of " Lydiard " of 9th Flotilla. " Termagant " had
previously rejoined 9th Flotilla.
On receiving orders by W/T to join Battle Cruiser Squadron
I proceeded as requisite, rejoining Fleet at 9.45 a.m., having
previously despatched " Petard " and " Nicator " to base as
they were running short of fuel. At 7 p.m., 13th Flotilla were
ordered to join " Badger " and return to base. Arrived base at
2 p.m. 2nd June 1916.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

To Captain (D)

13th Destroyer Flotilla,
H.M.S. " Champion."


Obdurate submitted her own report on 3 June.[6]

I BEG to report that at the commencement of the action
on 31st May between H.M. Battle Cruisers and the German
High Sea Fleet, H.M.S. " Obdurate " was separated from the
remainder of the 13th Flotilla, and was about 1,000 yards on
the engaged side of H.M.S. " Lion."
Every endeavour was made to join the flotilla, but this was
not accomplished when the signal was made to carry out a
Torpedo Attack on the enemy.
On receiving the Signal, " Obdurate " turned towards the
enemy's Battle Cruiser Fleet and soon became engaged with
their destroyers and one Light Cruiser, who were apparently
approaching to carry out a torpedo attack on our Battle Cruisers.
Range varied from 6,000 to 3,000 yards, and durIng the
destroyer action one of the enemy's destroyers was blown up,
and two others badly damaged; probably one of those two sank
as the guns firing at her lost sight of her.
The enemy Destroyers and light cruisers were driven back
to the protection of their big ships' guns, and the "Obdurate
was then too far astern to deliver a torpedo attack.
H.M.S. " Obdurate " was hit twice by a 4.1 shell, but suffered
no casualties.
" Obdurate " then rejoined H.M.S. "Champion," and re-
mained with her till ordered to return to base at 1 p.m. on
1st June.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

Captain (D),

13th FLotilla,
H.M.S. " Champion."


Petard submitted her own report on 2 June.[7]

I HAVE the honour to report the proceedings of H.M. Ship
tinder my command during the action on 31st May.
2. " Petard " was in company with 13th Flotilla ahead of
"Lion " at the commencement of the action, and when destroyers
were ordered to attack was in station astern of " Pelican " and
" Narborough." Owing to " Nottingham " cutting through
flotilla, " Petard " had to reduce speed and pass astern of her,
and then being some distance astern of "Pelican," I decided to
attack with "Turbulent," and accordingly attacked immediately
after " Nestor's " division. The first torpedo fired was set for
high speed, six feet deep, and was aimed by Mr. Epworth, Gunner
(T), at the head of the German Destroyer Flotilla, which was
crossing over to meet our attack. The track of the torpedo was
closely followed, and the tube's crew state they undoubtedly saw
it bit a German T.B.D. about amidships and explode. I certainly
myself opened fire with my guns on this T.B.D. a few minutes
later, and she was then lying stopped, with her upper deck awash
and obviously sinking.
3. " Petard " then took part in the general engagement with
the German Destroyers, and the three remaining torpedoes were
fired at a range of about 7,000 yards on the bow of the German
Battle Cruisers. All these torpedoes were fired at about the
second or third German Battle Cruiser, and must have crossed
the track of the German line.
4. After this, as our Fleet had turned to the Northward,
" Petard " proceeded to rejoin, and passing the spot where the
hull of H.M.S. " Queen Mary" was lying, picked up the Captain
of the after turret of that ship. " Petard " then passed astern
of the 5th Battle Squadron and rejoined " Champion." " Petard "
remained with the Flotilla, and accompanied it South during
the night.
5. At 12.15 a.m. course was altered to S.W. by W., and about
ten minutes later the line crossed ahead of a division of German
Battleships. I sighted the leading Battleship about six points
on my starboard bow, steering S.E. at about 400 or 500 yards.
This ship switched on recognition lights, consisting of two red
over one white light and, as some destroyer ahead of me in the
line then switched on her "fighting lights," I think the Germans
at once knew we were enemy. As " Petard " had no torpedoes
left, I could not attack, so I increased to full speed and altered
course slightly to port to avoid being rammed. I passed about
200 yards ahead of the German ship, who appeared to be one
of the " Wittelsbach " class.
6. As soon as we were clear of her stem, she illuminated us
with searchlights, and we came under a heavy fire from her
and the next ship in the line. Two salvoes seemed to strike
us, and in all, I think, we received six hits.
No. 1 was aft on the port side of the Quarterdeck ; this shot
disabled the whole after gun's crew and supply party.
No. 2 blew a hole in the ship's side in the Commanding
Officer's cabin, about three feet by two, and then wrecked the
whole of the Officers' cabins.
No. 3 made a large hole in the upper deck on top of No. 2
stokehold, and then entering the stokehold cut an oil pressure
gauge pipe. The oil spurting out of this pipe made a considerable
No. 4 hit below the midship gun platform and did little
No. 5 was, apparently, a shrapnel, and this burst just short
of the ship in line with the two foremost funnels, covering the
whole of that part of the ship with splinters. Most of the cowls
and plates in this part of the ship were penetrated by these.
No. 6 hit a cowl aft and did little damage besides.
If only " Petard " had had some torpedoes left, I am certain
a successful torpedo attack could easily have been made.

Details on recommendation, personnel &c. omitted from the Report
as reproduced in the
Official Despatches.

10. I regret that I never saw H.M.S. "Turbulent," who
was in station astern of " Petard," after passing this German
Squadron. According to the evidence of some of my ship's
company I am afraid she must have been rammed and sunk.
11. After this action " Petard " proceeded as fast as possible,
and eventually rejoined the Flotilla at daylight. At 6.0 p.m.
" Petard " and " Nicator " were detached to return to Rosyth.
At 7.0 a.m. " Nicator " transferred Probationary Surgeon Neil
MacLeod to "Petard," who carried out his work in a most
excellent manner but, I am afraid, was too late to save most of
the wounded. Previous to his arrival C.P.O. Thomas Knight,
O.N. (165,128), had done his utmost for them.
12. At 3.30 p.m. in Lat. 55.50 N., Long. 0.55 W., " Nicator "
reported that she was attacked by a submarine, and a torpedo
passed under her stern. " Petard " and " Nicator " eventually
arrived at Rosyth at 7.45 p.m.

Details on recommendation, personnel &c. omitted from the Report
as reproduced in the
Official Despatches.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
E. C. O. Thomson,
Lieutenant Commander.

The Captain (D),

13th Destroyer Flotilla.


Pelican submitted her report on 4 June.[8]


I: HAVE the honour to report the following proceedings
H.M. Ship- of under my command during the engagement of 31st
May—1st June 1916.
The formation of the fleet was cruising order, course S.S. 1 E.,
1912 knots.
The enemy Battle cruisers accompanied by destroyers were
sighted at 3.15 p.m. G.M.T.
At 3.45 H.M.S. " Champion " and 13th Flotilla formed single
line ahead and took station on starboard bow of the B.C.P.
Fire was opened by the enemy at 3.48 and by our fleet at 3.50.
At 4.20, having received a signal to attack with torpedoes,
the 13th Flotilla proceeded in the order 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divs.
The 3rd Div., consisting of " Narborough " and "Pelican,"
were unable to fire torpedoes owing to the other two divisions
being engaged by enemy torpedo craft between the fleets and
by a division of 9th Flotilla, who were coming up in the opposite
direction; we therefore turned to rejoin "Champion."
The flotilla reformed in single line ahead and took station on
the disengaged side of 5th Battle Squadron, Course Nly.
At 6.00 the Grand Fleet was sighted steering about S. by E.,
and fire was opened at 6.15 p.m.
Between 7.10 and 10.20 Courses were South and South-West
with speeds varying between 10 and 20 knots, during which
time firing was observed on Starboard beam and quarter.
At about 10.35 there was heavy firing in N.Wly. direction,
and destroyers were seen in the Search light rays attacking
ships. Shortly after there was a huge explosion in that direction.
At 0.40, June 1st, when on a Course S.W., speed 30 knots,
observed two ships on Starboard quarter, which were at first
taken to be our Light Cruisers. They switched on three
vertical lights, the upper two being red, and the lower
green, at the same time " Pelican's " stern was lit up by a
Search light, which was immediately transferred to " Petard "
and " Turbulent " who were astern.
When sighted position was unfavourable for attack and, as
she was shortly lost sight of, " Pelican " proceeded to regain
touch with the flotilla.
At daybreak it was found that the destroyers then in
company were as follows Narborough," "Pelican," " Pe-
tard, ' " Nerissa," " Nicator " and a division of 9th Flotilla,
led by " Lydiard." These were formed up at 1.30 a.m. and
steered N. 70 W. at IS knots.
At 5.35, having received a signal to rejoin B.C.F., " Nar-
borough," " Pelican " and " Nerissa " proceeded S. 60 E. at
25 knots.
At 9.50 sighted Grand Fleet, and at 10.08 joined Flag
" Lion," and took up position for submarine screen, Course
N. by W.
At 4.0 p.m. " Pelican " was ordered to return to base to
replenish with fuel, where she arrived at 1.30 p.m., 2 June,
with 9 tons of oil only remaining on board.
Nothing of importance occurred on the passage back.
The conduct of all officers and men was everything that
could be desired under the trying circumstances of waiting to
join in the action which I felt confident would be the case, having
had the majority of them under my command for over two

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

The Captain (D),

13th Flotilla.

TODO: work from p. 235


  1. Naval Operations. Volume III. p. 430.
  2. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 46.
  3. Naval Operations. Volume III. p. 430.
  4. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 224-225.
  5. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 229-230.
  6. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 231.
  7. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 231-233.
  8. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 233, 234.