Instructions for the Director of Air Department

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These instructions were issued to the Director of the Air Department at the Admiralty.

September, 1912

(1) The Director of the Air Department is generally responsible to the Board in regard to all matters connected with the Naval Air Service. He is to keep Their Lordships fully informed of all details in connection with the Air Service which ought to be brought to their notice.

(2) He will advise the First Sea Lord on all matters affecting the tactical employment of air craft and all military questions connected therewith.

(3) He will, when required by the Second Sea Lord, advise on questions connected with the personnel and training of the Naval Air Service.

(4) He will advise the Third Sea Lord on all questions affecting the design and manufacture of materiel connected with Air Ships and Aeroplanes, and will bring to his notice all important changes in materiel. A member of the staff of the Director of Naval Construction will be associated with him in connection with design questions generally.

(5) He will refer to the Professional Departments concerned all questions entailing work in H.M. Dockyards, provision of Naval stores or expenditure under Vote 8 in connection with Air Ships or Aeroplanes.

(6) He will be placed in direct communication on matters of detail with the Air Staff at the War Office, but decisions on general and important aeronautical questions affecting the War Office will be notified officially by the Secretary of the Admiralty to the Secretary, War Office, and vice versa.

(7) He may also correspond direct on matters of detail with the Commandant of the Central Flying School and with the respective Commanding Officers of the Naval and Military wings of the Royal Flying Corps.

(8) He will obtain the sanction of the Third Sea Lord whenever he desires to be absent either on leave or on duty, and the senior Assistant to the Director will act for him in his absence.

(9) The following subjects will be dealt with by the Air Department:—

(а) Designs, details of construction, Trials and Experiments, and Inventions relating to Aeroplanes, Air Ships, Air Machinery, and all gear in connection therewith.
(b) Instructional Training and Practices.
(c) Books and instructions relating to Air matters.
(d) Departmental correspondence with War Office, Central Flying School, and Naval and Military wings of Royal Flying Corps on Air subjects.

(10) The arrangements for dealing with papers, correspondence, &c. will be as follows:—

(a) All papers to be registered in a separate series.
(b) Official correspondence will be dealt with in the Ship Branch, except that relating to Contracts, which will be conducted by the Contract and Purchase Department.

 By command of Their Lordships,

 [Signed]W. Graham Greene


September, 1912.[1]


  1. The National Archives. ADM 116/3392.