H.M.S. Revenge at the Battle of Jutland

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Report of Proceedings

From.—The Commanding Officer, H.M.S. Revenge.

To.—Vice Admiral Commanding, First Battle Squadron.

Date.—2nd June 1916. № B. 111/2.

Subject.—Action of 31st May and 1st June 1916.


H.M.S. Revenge,

2nd June 1916.


IN accordance with your signal 1603 of to-day, Friday, 2nd June 1916, I have the honour to forward the following general account of the action of 31st May and 1st June 1916 as observed from Revenge.

6. 5p.m. —Fleet in 2nd Organisation. Course, South. Speed 18 knots. Observed British Battle Cruiser Fleet of 4 ships in line ahead, engaged with enemy battle cruisers; latter could not be distinguished.
6. 8p.m. —Observed flashes of enemy's guns.
6. 9p.m. —Observed H.M.S. Lion hit on forecastle and on fire; soon extinguished.
6.10p.m. —Reports of enemy Battle Fleet S.S.E.
6.15p.m. 5th Battle Squadron observed firing on enemy Battle Fleet.
6.17p.m. —Shots falling round ship. Deployed to port, S.E. by E.
6.25p.m. —Cruisers who had deferred taking up battle stations till too late now found themselves under heavy fire from enemy Battle Fleet. Black prince (?) observed to be struck aft and then forward; magazine evidently exploded and she disappeared.

At the same time Warrior was very badly damaged, and Minotaur or Shannon had miraculous escape, being straddled frequently.

6.30p.m. —Reduced to 14 knots.
6.42p.m. —Increased to 17 knots.

During this time, fire was maintained by Director method against enemy's battleships, which were very indistinct. (No ranges being obtainable.) Also on a four funnelled cruiser between the lines, apparently damaged and stopped.

6.48 p.m. —Divisions separately altered course to S.E.
About this time H.M.S. Marlborough was struck by a torpedo.
With regard to this at—
6.50 p.m. —Officers in Transmitting Room, "A" and "Y" Shell Rooms, Director Tower and Spotting Top all felt as if the ship had struck something. The Officer of "Y" Turret, Captain Evan Jukes-Hughes, Royal Marine Light Infantry, and the Torpedo Officer, Lieutenant-Commander Walter K. Conlon, Royal Navy, looked over the side and observed a large patch of oil, with an upheaval in the middle, with portions of wreckage coming to the surface. A few minutes previous to this I had myself observed "Marlborough" struck by mine or torpedo. At the time I thought the

former, but since I think she was torpedoed by a submarine, who then dived and attempted to go under the battleship line. "Revenge" on seeing "Marlborough" struck, hauled out to port about a cable, and my belief is, struck and sunk the submarine.

About 6.55 p.m. —A light cruiser passed down between the lines, apparently making a torpedo attack. She was not fired at for some time, being possibly mistaken for British. Eventually "Marlborough" with 13.5-in. and '"Revenge" and ships astern with 6-in., opened fire on her, and she was soon apparently a wreck, stopped, with 2 funnels gone and on fire. She was not observed to sink.

Supplementary Report


IN accordance with your signal 0900 of 4th June, I have the honour to report that the wreckage was supposed to be that of H.M.S. Black Prince from the lifebuoy with name of ship on it, 2 Carley Rafts, Cordite Cases, Seamen's Life Saving Jackets, Gratings and Wooden débris. The position was Latitude 56°2' North, Longitude 5°57' East, worked from Iron Duke's positions.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient Servant,



Latitude 56°2' North, Longitude 5°57' East

Account of Captain Jukes Hughes, R.M.L.I.

Captain Evan Jukes Hughes, R.M.L.I. was the Turret Officer of "Y" Turret on Revenge. He had been at action stations since 2.45 p.m. and made sure his men were ready and the equipment ready for battle;

Somewhere about 5.30 p.m. the sound of the guns could be heard [and] shortly afterwards small "flickers" of light could be seen away on our starboard bow. Orders now arrived to load and stand by, so we closed up quickly and reported.

Notable Crew Members

Harry Pursey, later a Labour Member of Parliament served as a torpedo petty officer in the ship during the battle. Eric Wheeler Bush, the youngest D.S.C. in history, served at Jutland. Peveril Barton Reibey Wallop William-Powlett, later a Vice-Admiral and Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic also served in Revenge.

Mark C. T. Pizey, later Admiral and Commander-in-Chief Plymouth and who saw action in command of a destroyer during the pursuit of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in World War II's "Channel Dash", served as Midshipman on H.M.S. Revenge during the Battle. He would also later become Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Indian Navy and play an important part in shaping the Republic of India's modern defence forces.[1]


  1. Email from Andrew Denovan (his wife is Pizey's granddaughter) to Tone, 25 May 2016.


  • Admiralty (1920). Battle of Jutland 30th May to 1st June 1916: Official Despatches with Appendices. Cmd. 1068. London: His Majesty's Stationary Office.