H.M.S. Barham at the Battle of Jutland

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Report of Proceeding

No. 181.

H.M.S. " Barham, "

6th June 1916.


I HAVE the honour to forward herewith a report on the action of 31st May 1916, in which H.M. Ship under my command flying your flag took part.

2. The recording of details is not so full or accurate as I should have wished. This is partly due to the fact that Lieutenant Reginald Edward Blyth, R.N., Assistant Navigator, who was in the lower conning tower for the purpose, was mortally wounded about 1 hour after the engagement opened. Mr. Alec Edward Dodington, Midshipman, R.N., who worked with him, was afterwards entirely occupied in keeping the reckoning, which he did in a highly creditable manner under difficult circumstances.

3. Whilst the general trend of the action remains clearly fixed in the memory, it is impossible to reconstruct it strategically or tactically, owing to the difficulty of seeing the enemy, and to the lack of knowledge of the movements or positions of our own squadrons.

It is considered of great importance that in a squadron flagship, an Assistant Navigating Lieutenant should be permanently borne who will be able not only to keep an accurate reckoning continuously, but also to note tactical data. The importance of a rehable position after action cannot be overestimated, and during action a continuous plot of our own and the enemy's tracks may be invaluable in avoiding mines or in deciding in a tactical or strategical movement.

4. Although the " Barham " received considerable structural damage from the enemy's shells, and the casualties were fairly heavy, the ship was in a thoroughly efficient fighting condition, and had all guns in actipn and fire control practically intact at the end of three hours' engagement. This reflects great credit on the Officers responsible for the upkeep of the propellng machinery and of the guns' mountings and electrical equipment.

5. During the engagement, the behaviour of the Officers and men was entirely praiseworthy, and their duties were carried out in a cool and inteUigent manner, under, in some cases, very trying situations.

Details on recommendation, personnel &c. omitted from the Report
as reproduced in the
Official Despatches.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient Servant,


Damage Report