Dewar Papers at the National Maritime Museum

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List of personal papers of Vice-Admiral Kenneth G. B. Dewar in the possession of the National Maritime Museum, London.


Pre-First World War: papers including letters received 1907-13, papers by Dewar including a report on Japanese Battlefiring 1907 and 'Remarks on the 1913 Manoeuvres'.



First World War: including personal correspondence, letter from Adm Sir Roger Keyes 1918, remarks on the loss of the FORMIDABLE, and reports and correspondence relating to the anti-submarine campaign of 1918.


Papers relating to First World War including a typescript draft on the German Supreme Command in the North Sea 1914-16, notes and plans of the Scarborough Raid Destroyer Action 16 Dec 1914, an exercise book containing statistical information on the Battle of Jutland (written in1959) and official reports.


Inter War Years: general correspondence 1919-37 including letter from Adm Beatty 1925 and letters from Winston Churchill 1926-30. Also general correspondence 1938-39 including a letter from Adm Richmond and cuttings and reviews of Dewar's book 'The Navy from Within'.


Inter War Years: papers including 'Lecture on Historical Method' by Dewar 1919, 'Notes on the Admiralty War Staff and Naval Staff 1914-18' 1919, notes relating to the 'Staff Appreciation' of Jutland by Dewar and A Pollen 1921, reports on the historical section of the naval staff, 'The Growth of Pre-Jutland Tactics' Cdr R Grenfell 1933 and 'Able Seaman to Admiral' Dewar n.d.


The ROYAL OAK Court Martial, 1928: official minutes of the Court Martial of Capt K G B Dewar 4-5 Apr 1928.


The ROYAL OAK Court Martial, 1928: album of newspaper cuttings relating to the court martial of Cdr Henry Martin Daniel 16 Mar-4 Apr 1928.


The ROYAL OAK Court Martial, 1928: album of newspaper cuttings relating to the court martial of Capt Dewer 4-5 Apr 1928.


The ROYAL OAK Court Martial, 1928: telegrams, letters and press cuttings relating to the court martial and Dewar's appointment to HMS TIGER 25 Sep 1928.




Second World War: papers relating to the formation, purpose, organisation and staffing of the Historical Section 1940-47.


Second World War: Historical Section papers on aspects of the First World War and lessons to be learned from them and applied to the Second World War 1939-44?


Second World War: Historical Section papers on strategy and tactics including 'Causes of British Failures 1940-42' and 'Defects in Tactical Command 1939-44'.


Second World War: Historical Section papers relating to surface raiders with particular emphasis on comparisons with The First World War, including a monograph entitled 'Operations against Surface Raiders, 1939-41'.


Second World War: Historical Section papers on shipping losses including some memoranda on anti-submarine defences and operations, minesweeping and convoys.






Second World War: Miscellaneous Historical Section papers including memoranda on fuelling at sea, dive bombing, Operation 'Torch' 8 Nov 1942, the speed of Corvettes, the 'Importance of Research' and a comparison of the mobility of the British and American fleets.


Second World War: various Historical Section papers and correspondence including letters from Lord Mountbatten 1942.


Second World War: various Historical Section papers and correspondence, the majority of which are duplicated in DEW/10-20.


Second World War: Historical Section papers including a memorandum on the new construction programme of 1942 and a paper on the Submarine Campaign of 1915-18.


Second World War: Historical Section monograph entitled 'The Conjunct Expeditions to Norway Apr-Jun 1940. Preliminary Narrative'.



Second World War: Historical Section monograph entitled 'The Defence of Shipping, Vol I September 1939 to June 1940' with statistical tables and plans (1-9).


Plans numbered 10-19 to accompany DEW/25/1 entitled 'The Defence of Shipping, Vol I September 1939 to June 1940'.


Post-War: general correspondence 1945-65 including a letter of thanks from Adm Downitz 1958 and letters from Lord Mountbatten 1955 and 1959.


Post-War: papers relating to the background, founding and history of the 'Naval Review' compiled in 1946 including notes and drafts by Adm H W Richmond, together with letters from Adm Sir Richard Webb, Adm Sir R Plunkett Ernle Erle Drax and letters and notes by D Bonner Smith.





Post-War: papers including a course programme at the Royal Naval Staff College, Greenwich 1948, an article by Rear-Adm P W Gretton entitled 'The Lessons of the Past and their Application to the Future' 1959, typescript copies of chapters of Arthur J Marder's book 'From the Dreadnought To Scapa Flow Vol I' and some Admiralty Historical Section papers 1950s.


Post-War: miscellaneous rough notes and jottings, subjects include the Battle of Jutland 31 May 1916, The Dardanelles Campaign 1915, and the First and Second Dutch Wars 1652-54 and 1666-67.




Letters received from Capt Alfred Dewar 1915-39, 1950-64, some undated, some incomplete and some historical notes by Capt A C Dewar.


Correspondence, mainly with his solicitors, relating to the incident with Rear-Adm G Arbuthnot 1940 and his suit against Gen C Aspinall Oglander 1951-53.


Papers relating to his career 1895-1929 including Certificates of Service, Passing Certificates, Commissions and an Admiralty letter notifying him of his retirement.


Manuscript of a proposed book which Dewar hoped to publish in 1963, seven of the eight chapters were published in the 'Naval Review' 1951-59, some with revisions, the exception being the chapter entitled 'The Anti-Submarine Campaign, 1939-45'.











Personal diary Apr-May n.y.


Collection of pamphlets and printed items mainly relating to the Second World War including nine Battle Summaries 1942-46, copies of Dewar's gold-medal winning essay 1912, proofs and reprints of articles by Dewar for the 'Naval Review' and other journals and track-charts relating to them.


Pamphlets, including 'The Re-organisation of Naval Staff 1917-1919', 'The Coast Watchers' n.d., 'Principles of Naval Command' n.d. annotated, 'Winston Churchill at the Admiralty' 1923, from Naval Review, 'Winston Churchill and the Dardanelles' 1923, from Naval Review, 'The RNSS and the Seamen' May 1947, 'Oversea Commerce and War' n.d. ,'Gold Medal (Naval) Prize Essay for 1912: What is the Influence of Oversea Commerce on the Operations of War? How Did it Affect our Naval Policy in the Past and how does it in the Present Day?' Further including copies of 'Coronel Campaign', 'Escape of the Goeben and Breslau' and 'Naval Reform.' Pamphlets entitled 'Current Reports from Overseas' includes the numbers '88, 93, 94 and 95.' 'Notes from Theatres of War 1945', 'Battle Summaries: No.5 (1942), No. 13 (1942), No. 14 (1943), No. 17 (1943), No. 21 (1944), No. 24 (1945), No. 27 (1945) and No. 34 (1946).


Miscellaneous pamphlets, including 'Security Instructions for the Admiralty Office' October 1943, 'Operation Sealion the German Plan for the Invasion of England in 1940' 1947, 'British and Foreign Merchant Vessels Lost or Damaged by Enemy Action During Second World War' 3 September 1939 - 2 September 1945, miscellaneous plans n.d. and 'The U-Boat War' a series of world maps plotting merchant ships sunk by u-boats 3 September 1939 - 9 June 1940. Hard cover 'THe Navy as I saw It by Vice-Admiral K. G. B. Dewar C. B. E. Chapters XIV to XIX.


Collection of newspaper cuttings mainly of naval and political interest including letters and articles written by Dewar 1908-64.