The Dreadnought Project:About

From The Dreadnought Project
Revision as of 18:51, 26 August 2011 by Tone (talk | contribs)
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The Dreadnought Project is devoted to providing detailed historical information about the Dreadnought Era: the navies, the ships, their equipment and weapons, who commanded them and how they were administered.

The site was created by Tony Lovell, who maintains an active interest in the technical systems of fire control and communication which were so important to the ships and which remain obscure to most readers.

Simon Harley has edited this Wiki, and been instrumental in creating a strong pattern of excellence we hope will prove inviting to well-informed contributors and readers who desire detailed information.

Permission Model

We welcome contributions to the Wiki, but only by people we have had a chance to get to know. Please contact us, and spell out your primary areas of interest and knowledge.