Third Light Cruiser Squadron (Royal Navy)

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Rear-Admirals Commanding

Dates of appointment given:

Second in Command


March, 1915

The Squadron was founded in January or February of 1915. Its initial strength was two light cruisers.[16]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth

April, 1915

Liverpool and Gloucester have joined, bringing the strength to four light cruisers. The roster would remain constant until some time in July.[17]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Liverpool Gloucester

August, 1915

Liverpool has dropped; she would appear, attached to the Grand Fleet, some time in October. Her departure reduced the strength to three light cruisers. The roster would remain constant until some time in X.[18]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Gloucester

October, 1915

Birkenhead has joined, bringing the squadron back up to four light cruisers. The roster would next change some time in December, 1915.[19]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Gloucester Birkenhead

January, 1916

Gloucester has left. The roster would next change some time in March.[20]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Birkenhead

April, 1916

Gloucester has re-joined, bringing the squadron back up to four light cruisers. The roster would next change some time in X.[21]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Birkenhead Gloucester

May, 1916

Gloucester is now marked as being "temporarily" with the squadron, and Chester has joined, bringing the strength to five light cruisers.[22]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Birkenhead Gloucester* Chester

Battle of Jutland

The cruisers now have a seaplane carrier attached. Chester as also at the battle, but was detached to screen the Third Battle Cruiser Squadron in company with the unaffiliated light cruiser H.M.S. Canterbury.[23]

July, 1916

Gloucester is still marked as being "temporarily" with the squadron, and Chatham has joined, bringing the strength to six light cruisers.[24]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Birkenhead Gloucester* Chester Chatham

August, 1916

Gloucester has finally left, leaving five light cruisers.[25]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
FalmouthRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Birkenhead Chester Chatham

September, 1916

Flagship Falmouth has left, handing her rol to Chatham and leaving four light cruisers. The roster would next change some time in November.[26]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
ChathamRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Birkenhead Chester

December, 1916

The large light cruiser Courageous is expected to join "shortly", and Birkenhead has taken over as flagship, giving a paper strength of five cruisers. The roster would next change some time in November.[27]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
BirkenheadRAdmRN.png Yarmouth Chatham Chester Courageous*

January, 1917

The large light cruiser Glorious is now also expected to join "shortly", and Birkenhead has taken over as flagship, giving a paper strength of six cruisers. The roster would next change some time in January or February.[28]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
BirkenheadRAdmRN.png Chatham Yarmouth Chester Courageous* Glorious*

March, 1917

The large light cruisers joined in January or February making a strength of six cruisers. Chatham is once again the flag. The flagship assignment would change during the month.[29]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
ChathamRAdmRN.png Birkenhead Yarmouth Chester Courageous Glorious

April, 1917

Glorious is now acting as flagship, with the same six cruisers comprising the formation. The roster would next change some time in June.[30]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
GloriousRAdmRN.png Chatham Birkenhead Yarmouth Chester Courageous

July, 1917

Furious will be joining "shortly", making seven cruisers on paper. The roster would next change some time in August.[31]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
GloriousRAdmRN.png Chatham Birkenhead Yarmouth Chester Courageous

September, 1917

The three large light cruisers have departed to form the First Cruiser Squadron, reducing this Squadron to four light cruisers, with no ship being marked as the flagship. The roster would next change some time in X, though a flagship would be designated in December 1917.[32]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
Chatham Birkenhead Yarmouth Chester

January, 1918

Chatham is once again acting as flagship, with the same four light cruisers comprising the formation. The roster would next change some time in March.[33]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
ChathamRAdmRN.png Birkenhead Yarmouth Chester

April, 1918

Yarmouth paid off at some point in February.[34]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
ChathamRAdmRN.png Birkenhead Chester Yarmouth*

May, 1918

Yarmouth remains paid off, and Southampton has joined. The roster would next change some time in X.[35]

Screening the Battle Cruiser Fleet
Light Cruisers
ChathamRAdmRN.png Birkenhead Chester Southampton Yarmouth*

July, 1918

The Squadron is now:[36]

November, 1918

The Squadron has lost Yarmouth, which transferred to the Second Light Cruiser Squadron.[37]


The flag passed as follows in 1919: Cardiff had it on 5 August, Calypso took over on 1 November, Centaur on 9 November, and Cardiff resumed her place as flagship on 12 December, 1919.[38]

Drill and Practice

In 1917, the squadron fired 16 practice torpedoes of which 13 or 81% were judged to be likely to endanger the enemy.[39]

See Also


  1. Squadrons and Senior Naval Officers in Existence on 11th November, 1918. p. 26.
  2. Napier Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 440.
  3. Squadrons and Senior Naval Officers in Existence on 11th November, 1918. p. 26.
  4. Hunt Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 354.
  5. Hunt Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 354.
  6. Alexander-Sinclair Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 361.
  7. Hunt Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 354.
  8. Alexander-Sinclair Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 361.
  9. The Navy List. (December, 1920). p. 741.
  10. Hope Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 44.
  11. Hope Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 44.
  12. Tyrwhitt Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 125.
  13. Tyrwhitt Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 125.
  14. Woollcombe Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 267.
  15. Woollcombe Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 267.
  16. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (March, 1915). p. 11 and January's Supplement, in which it is absent.
  17. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (April, 1915). p. 11 and Supplements through August, 1915.
  18. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1915). p. 11 and Supplements through X.
  19. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (October, 1915). p. 11 and Supplements through January, 1916.
  20. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1916). p. 11 and Supplements through April, 1916.
  21. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (April, 1916). p. 11 and Supplements through X.
  22. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (May, 1916). p. 11.
  23. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 33, 46.
  24. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (July, 1916). p. 11.
  25. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1916). p. 11.
  26. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (September, 1916). p. 11 and Supplements through December.
  27. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (September, 1916). p. 11 and Supplements through December.
  28. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1917). p. 11 and Supplements through March 1917, excepting February's edition, which was not found.
  29. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (March, 1917). p. 11.
  30. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1917). p. 11 and Supplements through July.
  31. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (July, 1917). p. 11 and Supplements through September.
  32. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (September, 1917). p. 11 and Supplements through X.
  33. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1918). p. 11 and Supplements through April.
  34. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (April, 1918). p. 11.
  35. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (April, 1918). p. 11 and Supplements through X.
  36. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (July, 1918). p. 11.
  37. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (November, 1918). p. 11.
  38. Hope Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 23/44.
  39. Annual Report of the Torpedo School, 1917. p. 121.


Light Cruiser Squadrons of the Royal Navy
First Light Cruiser Squadron | Second Light Cruiser Squadron | Third Light Cruiser Squadron | Fourth Light Cruiser Squadron | Fifth Light Cruiser Squadron | Sixth Light Cruiser Squadron | Seventh Light Cruiser Squadron | Eighth Light Cruiser Squadron