Jellicoe:After Jutland

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Battle of Jutland
31 May – 1 June, 1916
PreliminariesRun to the SouthRun to the NorthClash of the Battle FleetsNight ActionsBritish ReactionsGerman ReactionsAnalysisConclusions

On 11 July, 1916, Balfour wrote to Lady Jellicoe:

I can most truly assure you that I am as anxious as you are that your husband should allow himself a rest. I ventured diffidently, but most earnestly, to press him upon this point when he was in London immediately after the great battle, and the opinion I held then I hold with undiminished strength at the present moment. There have, of course, been a good many small, though sometimes troublesome, questions about the despatch: but these are now over, and not merely the Allied, but the neutral world is, I believe, more than content.

I fear I could hardly "order" Sir John to take a holiday:! but, in the interests of the country as well as his own, I wish most earnestly that he would.[1]


  1. Letter of 11 July, 1916. Jellicoe Papers. British Library. Add. MSS. 71556. f. 118.