Jellicoe Papers at the British Library

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Add. MSS. 49011.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. XXIII (ff. 178). Grand Fleet Battle Orders; 1915, 1916. Printed, with printed, typewritten, and MS. amendments. Jellicoe's own set, used by him at the Battle of Jutland.

Add. MSS. 49014.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. XXVI (ff. 301). Papers relating to the Battle of Jutland, etc.; 1915-1936.

1. ff. 1-21. Grand Fleet Battle Orders in force on the eve of the battle; 1915. Typewritten extracts.

2. ff. 22-37. Further Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the United States Government respecting the Rights of Belligerents; 1916. Printed. Command Paper 8234.

3. ff. 38-142. Admiralty and other telegrams; 30 May-4 June 1916. Mostly copies, together with autograph notes of intercepted German signals.

4. f. 143. Letter of Vice-Adm. Oliver Elles Leggett to Jellicoe on the navigation of H.M.S. 'Iron Duke'; 29 Nov. 1927.

5. ff. 144-151. Engine-room register of H.M.S. 'King George V'; 30 May-2 June 1916. Copy.

6. ff. 152-232. Gunnery reports, range plots, etc., mostly of British ships; 30 May-1 June 1916. Extracts, with MS. notes, etc., 1920. Ff. 212-222 duplicate ff. 152-162.

7. ff. 233-249. Extract on gunnery from the report of Admiral Franz von Hipper, 4 July, with a related minute, 10 July 1916. German. Followed (ff. 245-249) by French and English translations.

8. ff. 250-268. Correspondence, etc., relating to the battle; 1919-1936. Partly printed.

Grenfell (Russell). Capt. R.N. Sir Robert Arbuthnot at Jutland 1935 Printed (ff. 256b-258b).

9. ff. 269-278. 'Errors made in Jutland Battle', by Jellicoe, on the conduct of British senior officers; 1932. Two copies, with MS. notes, 1936.

10. ff. 279-301. Reports of damage to German ships; June 1916, 1919. Typewritten.

Add. MSS. 49019, Add. MSS. 49020.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vols. XXXI, XXXII (ff. i+111, 183). 'Official Record of the Battle of Jutland, 30th May to 1st June 1916, with Appendices and Plans', by Capt. John Ernest Troyte Harper. Vol. XXXI, Typewritten draft; 1919. MS. corrections and insertions in red and blue ink. Vol. XXXII, Printed proof (no. 12); 1920. MS. corrections in red ink. Ff. 20-22 comprise an inserted letter of Harper to Adm. Bacon, relating to his work on the 'Record', 22 Apr. 1936. See 49022-49024 below and Add. MSS. 54477, 54478.

Add. MSS. 49021.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. XXXIII (ff. 121). Battle of Jutland. Record of Messages bearing on the Operation; 1919. Printed. S.P. 02085. Copy no. 9. Preceded (f. 2) by a covering letter to Jellicoe, 1920.

Add. MSS. 49022.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. XXXIV (ff. 64). Reproduction of the Record of the Battle of Jutland prepared by Captain J. E. T. Harper, M.V.O., R.N., and other officers by direction of the Admiralty in 1919-1920; 1927. Printed. Command Paper 2870. See 42019, 42020 above.

Add. MSS. 49023, Add. MSS. 49024.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vols. XXXV, XXXVI (ff. 27, 24). Two sets of diagrams on various scales, lettered A-CCC, A-Z, prepared under the direction of Capt. Harper to illustrate the Official Record and showing the movements of British and German ships at Jutland; circa 1920. Lithographed by A. Malby and Sons, except for Vol. XXXV B which is in ink. One diagram, 'German II', is missing from the second set. Includes annotations by Jellicoe and Harper. See also Add. MS. 54479.

Add. MSS. 49025.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. XXXVII (ff. i+163). 'Narrative of the Battle of Jutland'; 1922. Typewritten draft, with MS. additions and deletions, originally enclosed in 49028, f. 147. Based on 49042, the Naval Staff Appreciation of Jutland, 1922, and published by the Stationery Office in 1924.

Add. MSS. 49027.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. XXXIX (ff. 283). Papers concerning amendments to the 'Narrative' before publication; 1923. Mostly typewritten:

1. ff. 1-116. 'Remarks on the "Narrative"', by Jellicoe. Two copies, with autograph corrections.

2. ff. 117-169. 'Remarks on diagrams' in 49026, by Jellicoe. Imperfect autograph draft, followed (ff. 120-169) by four copies, the first two imperfect.

3. ff. 170-283. 'Narrative of the Battle of Jutland: detailed summary of amendments made to the text, and of those rejected'. Original and carbon copy. Sent to Jellicoe by the Admiralty, 1923 (covering letter at f. 170), and annotated by him.

Add. MSS. 9030.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. XLII (ff. 163). Five lectures on the battle given at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, by Adm. Sir Bertram Home Ramsay, 14-21 June 1929. Copy. Followed (ff. 142-146) by an extract from Battle Instructions, 1 June 1928, and (ff. 147-163) by four appendices. Sent to Jellicoe by Ramsay, 18 July 1929 (see his letter at f. 1). Preceded (ff. 4-8) by a typewritten 'Summing up' by Vice-Adm. Sir Geoffrey Blake, as Director of the College, on Jutland lectures and discussions, 1927, annotated by Adm. Dreyer.

Add. MSS. 49041.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. LIII (ff. 332, in two parts: Part I, ff. 1-166; Part II, ff. 167-332).

1. ff. 1-265. Replies by Jellicoe, headed (f. 1) 'Part I' , to criticisms chiefly made in published works; 1923-1927, n.d. Mostly typewritten with autograph corrections:- (a) Two drafts on Sir Winston Churchill, The World Crisis, vols. i-ii, 1923. ff. 1-60, 61-105;- (b) Two drafts, each in duplicate, on the Narrative of the Battle of Jutland, 1924. ff. 106-113, 114-174;- (c) Chapter IV of the appendix to The Grand Fleet. Draft. Supplementing 49040, ff. 175-179;- (d) 'The Grand Fleet and Jutland': two drafts on Churchill, op. cit., iii, 1927, preceded (f. 180) by a related letter from Adm. Sir W. E. Goodenough. ff. 183-219, 220-265.

2. ff. 266-332. Account by Jellicoe, headed 'Part III' (f. 283), of his experiences as First Sea Lord (three drafts, ff. 266-282, 283-314, 315-320), and of his dismissal from office in 1917. Mostly typewritten with autograph corrections. See also 49043, ff. 48-62, below.

Add. MSS. 49042.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. LIV (ff. i+150) Naval Staff Appreciation of Jutland. (With Appendices and Diagrams. 1922. Printed. Copy no. 7 of a work intended to be issued as Confidential Book 0938, but suppressed by the Admiralty before publication (notes on ff. 1b, 2).

Add. MSS. 49043.

JELLICOE PAPERS. Vol. LV (ff. 141).

1. ff. 1-25. Notes by Jellicoe on the German official account of the war at sea 1914-1916; n.d. Typewritten.

2. ff. 26-47. Account by Jellicoe of the Battle of Jutland; 1922. Typewritten. Signed. Printed, with additional material, in These Eventful Years, ed. F. H. Hooper, 1924, i, pp. 327-53.

3. ff. 48-62. A further draft containing part of Jellicoe's experiences as First Sea Lord, 24 Nov. 1916-July 1917. Typewritten, with autograph corrections. See 49042, ff. 266-320, above.

4. ff. 63-109. Criticisms by Jellicoe of errors in various drafts of the official History of the Great War: Naval Operations, vols. iv-v, by Sir Henry Newbolt, concerning the introduction of the convoy system, 1916-1919, with related correspondence; 1929.

5. ff. 110-121. U.S. reviews of Lord Jellicoe, The Crisis of the Naval War, 1920.

6. ff. 122-141. Report, etc., mostly by Jellicoe as New Zealand representative, relating to the Geneva Conference on Naval Disarmament; 1927.