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The five light cruisers of the Bristol Class were completed by 1911.

They were sometimes treated as the first sub-type of the encompassing "Town Class" which also included the four Weymouth, six Chatham, four Birmingham class and two Birkenhead class cruisers.


6-in Guns

4-in Guns

This section is sourced in The Sight Manual, 1916.[1]

Ten 4-in BL Mark VII guns on P IV* mountings were arranged for broadside fire.

The mounting could elevate 15 degrees and depress 10 degrees, but though its sight could match the 15 degree elevation, the range dial was only graduated to 11.5 degrees (10,000 yards).

These cam-worked sights had range dials for 2750 fps, and 1-in and .303-in aiming rifles. MV could be corrected by adjustable pointer through +/- 150 fps.

All ships had FTP sights except Gloucester, whose earlier series sights (like those in the Colossus class) lacked this feature.

The deflection gearing constant was 64.277 with 1 knot equal to 2.41 arc minutes, corresponding to 2800 fps at 2000 yards. Drift was corrected by inclining the sight 2 degrees.

The layer's sight line was 13.73 inches above the bore, and 15.85 inches left. The trainer's sight line was 15.08 inches above and 14.9 inches right.

The sight had a temperature correcting scale plate and a "C" corrector.

The layer had an open sight. The trainer's sight could be used as a free sight with a counterweight.


Two 18-in submerged broadside tubes aft, 4.5 feet below the load waterline, depressed 3 degrees with the axis of the tube 14.75 inches above the deck.[2]

In 1913, it was approved, as part of a general reallocation of 18-in torpedoes, to replace the torpedoes on Minotaur class (except Shannon), Duke of Edinburgh and Bristol classes with F III** torpedoes.[3]

In 1915, it was a source of complaint that Gloucester and Liverpool still lacked heater torpedoes.[4] They were rearmed with 18-in Mark VII*** torpedoes in that same year.[5]

Fire Control

Mechanical Aid-to-Spotter

As late as 1920, these ships were not equipped, generally being the most modern light cruisers (except the Centaurs) to fail to make the cut.[6]

Range Dials

As of 1920, it appears that none of the ships had been so equipped.[7]


Evershed Bearing Indicators

This equipment was unlikely to have been fitted for gun or searchlight control.[8]

Gunnery Control

Dreyer Table

These ships had no fire control tables.[9]

Fire Control Instruments

In 1909, it was planned that all five ships in this class were to be completed with the latest Vickers F.T.P. Fire Control Instruments Mark II as follows:[10][11]

  • Range Transmitters: 4
  • Deflection Transmitters: 4
  • Range Receivers: 12
  • Deflection Receivers: 12
  • C.O.S.: 1
  • Vickers Fire Gongs: 12 with 4 keys

However, Gloucester's 4-in gun sights could not accomodate FTP.[12]

None of the ships had Target Visible or Gun Ready signals.[13]

Torpedo Control

In 1916, it was decided that all light cruisers of Bristol class and later should have torpedo firing keys (Pattern 2333) fitted on the fore bridge, in parallel with those in the CT, and that a flexible voice pipe be fitted between these positions. Additionally, those with submerged tubes were to be equipped with gyro angle and order instruments from fore bridge (and after control position, if present) to the tubes. Bristol class already has (or will have) Barr and Stroud for this purpose.[14]


  1. The Sight Manual, 1916, pp. 86, 108, Plate 39.
  2. Addenda (1911) to Torpedo Manual, Vol. III., 1909, p. 155.
  3. Annual Report of the Torpedo School, 1913, p. 8.
  4. Annual Report of the Torpedo School, 1915, p. 58.
  5. Annual Report of the Torpedo School, 1915, p. 59.
  6. Manual of Gunnery of H.M. Fleet, Volume III, 1920, p. 35.
  7. absent from Manual of Gunnery of H.M. Fleet, Volume III, 1920, p. 45.
  8. The Technical History and Index: Fire Control in HM Ships, 1919, p. 29.
  9. absent from list in Handbook of Capt. F.C. Dreyer's Fire Control Tables, p. 3.
  10. Handbook for Fire Control Instruments, 1909, pp. 57, 60.
  11. Annual Report of the Torpedo School, 1909, p. 148.
  12. The Sight Manual, 1916, p. 86.
  13. Handbook for Fire Control Instruments, 1914, p. 11.
  14. Handbook for Fire Control Instruments, 1916, p. 146.


  • Admiralty, Gunnery Branch (1910). Handbook for Fire Control Instruments, 1909. Copy No. 173 is Ja 345a at Admiralty Library, Portsmouth, United Kingdom.
  • Template:DreyerTableH1918

See Also

Bristol Class Light Cruiser
Bristol Glasgow Gloucester Liverpool Newcastle
<– Boadicea Class Minor Cruisers (UK) Weymouth Class –>