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{{Template:Florida Class (1910)}}
'''USS ''Utah''''' (Battleship No. 31, later BB-31) was a dreadnought battleship of the [[Florida Class (1910)|''Florida'' Class]] which served in the [[First World War]].  She was later sunk as a target ship in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941.
==Construction and Early Career==
''Utah'' was laid down on [[9 March]], [[1909]] at Camden, N.J., by the [[New York Shipbuilding Company]]; launched on [[23 December]], [[1909]]; sponsored by Miss Mary Alice Spry, daughter of Governor William Spry of Utah; and commissioned at the [[Philadelphia Navy Yard]] on [[31 August]], [[1911]], Captain [[William Shepherd Benson|William S. Benson]] in command.
After her shakedown cruise - a voyage that took her to Hampton Roads, Va.; Santa Rosa Island and Pensacola, Fla.; Galveston, Tex.; Kingston and Portland Bight, Jamaica; and [[Guantanamo Bay]], Cuba - ''Utah'' was assigned to the [[United States Atlantic Fleet]] in March, 1912.  She operated with the Fleet early that spring, conducting exercises in gunnery and torpedo defense, before she entered the [[New York Navy Yard]] on 16 April for an overhaul.
Departing New York on 1 June, ''Utah'' briefly visited Hampton Roads and then steamed to Annapolis, Md. where she arrived on the 6th.  There, she embarked [[United States Naval Academy|Naval Academy]] midshipmen and got underway on the 10th for the Virginia Capes and the open Atlantic.  She conducted a midshipmen training cruise off the New England seaboard well into the summer before disembarking her contingent of officers-to-be back at Annapolis on 24 and 25 August.  Soon thereafter, the battleship headed for the [[Southern Drill Grounds]] to conduct gunnery exercises.
For a little over two years, the dreadnought maintained that schedule of operations off the eastern seaboard, ranging from the New England coast to Cuban waters.  During that time, she made one cruise to European waters, visiting Villefranche, France, from 8 to 30 November 1913.
==Mexican Interlude==
''Utah'' began the year 1914 at the New York Navy Yard and sailed south on 5 January.  After stopping at Hampton Roads, she reached Cuban waters later in the month for torpedo and small arms exercises.  However, due to tension in Mexico, Utah sailed for Mexican waters in early February and reached Vera Cruz on the 16th.  She operated off that port until getting underway for Tampico on 9 April with several hundred refugees embarked.  Soon thereafter, it was learned that a German steamship, SS Ypiranga, was bound for Vera Cruz with a shipment of arms and munitions earmarked for the dictator Victoriano Huerta. ''Utah'' received orders to search for the ship and put to sea and reached Vera Cruz on the 16th.  When it appeared that the shipment might be landed, the Navy took steps to take the customs house at Vera Cruz and stop the delivery.  Accordingly, plans were drawn up for a landing at Vera Cruz, to commence on 21 April 1914.
''Utah'' consequently landed her "battalion" - 17 officers and 367 sailors under the command of Lieutenant Guy W. S. Castle - as well as her Marine detachment, which formed part of the improvised "First Marine Brigade," made up of detachments of marines from the other ships that had arrived to show American determination.  In the ensuing fighting, in which the men of Utah's bluejacket battalion distinguished themselves, seven won medals of honor.  Those seven included Lt. Castle, the battalion commander; company commanders Ensigns Oscar C. Badger and Paul F. Foster; section leaders, Chief Turret Captains Niels Drustrup and Abraham Desomer; Chief Gunner George Bradley; and Boatswain's Mate Henry N. Nickerson.
''Utah'' remained at Vera Cruz for almost two months before returning north to the New York Navy Yard in late June for an overhaul.  Over the next three years, the battleship operated on a regular routine of battle practices and exercises from off the eastern seaboard into the Caribbean, as the United States readied its forces for the possible entry of the United States into the [[First World War]] that had broken out in July, 1914.
==First World War==
After the United States finally declared war on [[6 April]], [[1917]], ''Utah'' operated in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay as an engineering and gunnery training ship and continued that duty until 30 August, 1918, when she sailed for the British Isles with Vice Admiral [[Henry Thomas Mayo|Henry T. Mayo]], [[Commander in Chief, United States Atlantic Fleet]], embarked.
Fears of possible attacks by German heavy units upon the large convoys crossing the Atlantic with troops and munitions for the western front prompted the dispatch, to European waters, of a powerful force of American dreadnoughts to Irish waters.  ''Utah'' - as part of that movement - reached [[Berehaven]], [[Bantry Bay]], Ireland, on 10 September.  There, she became the flagship of Rear Admiral [[Thomas Slidell Rodgers|Thomas S. Rodgers]], Commander, [[United States Battleship Division 6|Battleship Division 6]].  Until the signing of the armistice on [[11 November]], [[1918]], ''Utah'', along with the sisterships [[BB-37|''Oklahoma'']] (Battleship No. 37) and [[BB-36|''Nevada'']] (Battleship No. 36), operated from Bantry Bay, covering the Allied convoys approaching the British Isles, ready to deal with any surface threat that the German Navy could hurl at the valuable transports and supply ships.
After the cessation of hostilities, ''Utah'' visited [[Portland]], England, and later served as part of the honour escort for the transport ''George Washington'' (Id. No. 3018), as that ship bore President [[Thomas Woodrow Wilson|Woodrow Wilson]] into the harbour of Brest, France, on [[13 December]], [[1918]].  The following day, ''Utah'' turned homeward and reached New York on Christmas Day, 1918.
''Utah'' remained at anchor in the North River; off New York City, until [[30 January]], [[1919]].  During that time, she half-masted her colors at 1440 on [[7 January]] due to the death of former President [[Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.|Theodore Roosevelt]] and, on the 8th, fired salutes at half-hour intervals throughout the day in memory of the great American statesman and proponent of the Navy.
''Utah'' carried out a regular routine of battle practices and maneuvers, ranging from the New England coast to the Caribbean, into mid-1921.  During that time, she was classified as BB-31 on [[17 July]], [[1920]], during the Navy-wide assignment of hull numbers.
Ultimately departing Boston on [[9 July]], [[1921]], ''Utah'' proceeded via Lisbon, Portugal, and reached Cherbourg, France, soon thereafter.  There, ''Utah'' became the flagship for the United States naval forces in European waters.  She "showed the flag" at the principal Atlantic coast ports of Europe and in the Mediterranean until relieved by ''Pittsburgh'' (CA-4) in October, 1922.
Returning to the United States on [[21 October]], [[1922]], ''Utah'' then became the flagship of Battleship Division (BatDiv) 6, [[United States Scouting Fleet]] and operated with the Scouting Fleet over the next three and one-half years.
Late in 1924, ''Utah'' was chosen to carry the United States diplomatic mission to the centennial celebration of the Battle of Ayacucho (9 December, 1824), the decisive action in the Peruvian struggle for independence.  Designated as flagship for the special squadron assigned to represent the United States at the festivities, ''Utah'' departed New York City on 22 November 1924 with General of the Armies John J. Pershing, USA, and former congressman, the Honorable F. C. Hicks, embarked, and arrived at Callao on 9 December.
''Utah'' disembarked General Pershing and the other members of the mission on Christmas Day, 1924, so that the general and his mission could visit other South American cities inland on their goodwill tour.  Meanwhile, ''Utah'', in the weeks that followed, called at the Chilean ports of Punta Arenas and Valparaiso before she rounded Cape Horn and met General Pershing at Montevideo, Uruguay.  Reembarking the general and his party there, the battleship then visited in succession: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; La Guaira, Venezuela; and Havana, Cuba, before ending her diplomatic voyage at New York City on [[18 March]], [[1926]].  ''Utah'' spent subsequent summers of 1925 and 1926 with the Midshipman Practice Squadron and, after disembarking her midshipmen at the conclusion of the 1925 cruise, entered the [[Boston Navy Yard]] and was decommissioned on [[31 October]], [[1925]] for modernization.  During that period of alterations and repairs, the ship's "cage" mainmast was replaced by a lighter pole mast; she was fitted to burn oil instead of coal as fuel; and her armament was modified to reflect the increased concern over anti-aircraft defense. Interestingly, ''Utah'' and her sistership [[BB-30|''Florida'']] (BB-30) never received the more modern "tripod" masts fitted to other classes.
''Utah'' was placed back in commission on [[1 December]], [[1925]] and, after local operations with the Scouting Fleet, departed Hampton Roads on [[21 November]], [[1928]], bound for South America.  Reaching Montevideo on 18 December, she there embarked President-elect and Mrs. Herbert C. Hoover; the Honorable Henry T. Fletcher, Ambassador to Italy; and members of the press.  ''Utah'' transported the President-elect's party to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 21 and 23 December, and then continued her homeward voyage with Mr. Hoover embarked.  En route, the President-elect inspected the battleship's crew while at sea, before the ship reached Hampton Roads on [[6 January]], [[1929]].
==Conversion to Target Ship==
However, ''Utah's'' days as a battleship were numbered.  Under the terms of the 1922 [[Washington Naval Treaty]], ''Utah'' was selected for conversion to a mobile target, in place of the former battleship [[BB-29|''North Dakota'']]; and, on 1 July 1931, ''Utah's'' classification was changed to AG-16.  Her conversion-carried out at the [[Norfolk Navy Yard]] - included the installation of a radio-control apparatus.  After having been decommissioned for the duration of the conversion, ''Utah'' was recommissioned at Norfolk on 1 April, 1932, Comdr. Randall Jacobs in command.
''Utah'' departed Norfolk on 7 April to train her engineers in using the new installations and for trials of her radio gear by which the ship could be controlled at varying rates of speed and changes of course maneuvers that a ship would conduct in battle.  Her electric motors, operated by signals from the controlling ship, opened and closed throttle valves, moved her steering gear, and regulated the supply of oil to her boilers.  In addition, a Sperry gyro pilot kept the ship on course.
Returning to port on 21 April, ''Utah'' passed her radio control trials off the Virginia capes on 6 May.  On 1 June, ''Utah'' ran three hours under radio control, with all engineering stations manned; over the next two days, she made two successful runs, each of four hours duration, during which no machinery was touched by human hands.  Observers, however - two in each fore room and two in each boiler room - kept telephone information and recorded data.
Her trials completed, ''Utah'' departed Norfolk on 9 June.  After transiting the [[Panama Canal]] she reached [[San Pedro]], Calif., on 30 June, reporting for duty with Training Squadron 1, Base Force, United States Fleet.  She conducted her first target duty, for cruisers of the Fleet, on 26 July, and later, on 2 August, conducted rehearsal runs for Nevada (BB-36), ''Utah'' being controlled from ''Hovey'' (DD-208) and ''Talbot'' (DD-114).
Over the next nine years, the erstwhile battleship performed a vital service to the fleet as a mobile target, contributing realism to the training of naval aviators in dive, torpedo, and high level bombing.  Thus, she greatly aided the development of tactics in those areas.  On one occasion, she even served as a troop transport, embarking 223 officers and men of the Fleet Marine Force at Sand Island, Midway, for amphibious operations at Hilo Bay, Hawaii, as part of Fleet Problem XVI in the early summer of 1936.  She then transported the marines from Hawaii to [[San Diego]], Calif., disembarking them there on 12 June, 1936.
That same month, June, 1935, saw the establishment of a fleet machine gun school on board '''Utah'' while she continued her mission as a mobile target.  The former dreadnought received her first instructors on board in August, 1936, and the first students drawn from the ships' companies of ''Raleigh'' (CL-7), ''Concord'' (CL-10), ''Omaha'' (CL-4), ''Memphis'' (CL-13), ''Milwaukee'' (CL-5), and ''Ranger'' (CV-4) - reported aboard for training on 20 September.  Subsequently, during the 1936 and 1937 gunnery year, ''Utah'' was fitted with a new quadruple 1.1-inch machine gun mount for experimental test and development by the machine gun school.  Some of the first tests of that type of weapon were conducted on board.
''Utah'' - besides serving as a realistic target for exercises involving carrier-based planes - also towed targets during battle practices conducted by the Fleet's battleships and took part in the yearly "fleet problems."  She transited the Panama Canal on 9 January, 1939 to participate in Fleet Problem XX - part of the maneuvers observed personally by President [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt|Franklin D. Roosevelt]] from the heavy cruiser ''Houston'' (CA-30).
After providing mobile target services for the submarines of Submarine Squadron 6 in the late autumn and early winter of 1939, ''Utah'' devoted the eight months that followed to special machine gun practices. The following summer, ''Utah'' sailed for the Hawaiian Islands reaching [[Pearl Harbor]] on 1 August, 1940, and fired advanced antiaircraft gunnery practice in the Hawaiian operating area until 14 December, 1940, when she sailed for the west coast, returning to [[Long Beach]] four days before Christmas.
For the next two months, ''Utah'' operated as a mobile bombing target off San Clemente Island, Calif., for planes from Patrol Wing 1, and from the carriers ''Lexington'' (CV-2), ''Saratoga'' (CV-3), and ''Enterprise'' (CV-6).  ''Utah'' returned to Hawaiian waters on 1 April, 1941, embarking gunners for the Advanced Antiaircraft Gun School, men drawn from ''West Virginia'' (BB-48), ''Oklahoma'', ''Colorado'' (BB-45), ''Phoenix'' (CL-46), ''Nashville'' (CL-43), ''Philadelphia'' (CL-41) and ''New Orleans'' (CA-32).
Over the weeks that followed, she trained her embarked gunner students in control and loading drills for the 5-inch batteries, firing runs on radio-controlled drone targets as well as .50-caliber and 1.1-inch firing on drones and balloons.  ''Utah'' put into Los Angeles harbor on 20 May and there embarked Fleet Marine Force passengers for transportation to Bremerton, Wash.  Putting the marines ashore a week later, the ship entered the [[Puget Sound Navy Yard]] on 31 May, 1941.
During the ensuing overhaul, ''Utah'' received repairs and alterations designed to make her a more effective gunnery training ship.  The alterations included the addition of 5-inch/38-caliber guns in single mounts with gunshields-similar to those fitted on the more modern types of destroyers then in service.  She also lost her prewar colors, being repainted in overall measure one camouflage - dark gray with pale gray tops.  With war paint thus donned, ''Utah'' sailed for Hawaiian waters on 14 September, after visits to Port Townsend, Wash., and San Francisco and San Pedro, Calif.  She arrived at Pearl Harbor soon thereafter and carried out antiaircraft training and target duties through the late autumn.
==Sinking at Pearl Harbour==
''Utah'' completed an advanced antiaircraft gunnery cruise in Hawaiian waters shortly before she returned to Pearl Harbor in early December 1941, mooring off Ford Island in berth F-11.  On the morning of 7 December, 1941, the senior officer on board-the captain and executive officer were ashore on leave-was Lt. Comdr. Solomon S. Isquith, the engineer officer.
Shortly before 0800, men topside noted three planes-taken for American planes on maneuvers-heading in a northerly direction from the harbor entrance. They made a low dive at the southern end of Ford Island - where the seaplane hangers were situated - and began dropping bombs.
The attack on the fleet at Pearl Harbor lasted a little under two hours, but for ''Utah'', it was over in a few minutes.  At 0801, soon after sailors had begun raising the colors at the ship's fantail, the erstwhile battleship took a torpedo hit forward , and immediately started to list to port.
As the ship began to roll ponderously over on her beam ends, 6-by-12-inch timbers-placed on the decks to cushion them against the impact of the bombs used during the ship's latest stint as a mobile target-began to shift, hampering the efforts of the crew to abandon ship.  Below, men headed topside while they could.  One however, Chief Watertender Peter Tomich, remained below, making sure that the boilers were secured and that all men had gotten out of the engineering spaces.  Another man, Fireman John B. Vae ssen, USNR, remained at his post in the dynamo room, making sure that the ship had enough power to keep her lights going as long as possible.
Comdr. Isquith made an inspection to make sure men were out and nearly became trapped himself.  As the ship began to turn over, he found an escape hatch blocked.  While he was attempting to escape through a porthole, a table upon which he was standing-impel led by the ever-increasing list of the ship-slipped out from beneath him. fortunately, a man outside grabbed Isquith's arm and pulled him through at the last instant.
At 0812, the mooring lines snapped, and ''Utah'' rolled over on her beam ends; her survivors struck out for shore, some taking shelter on the mooring quays since Japanese strafers were active.
Shortly after most of the men had reached shore, Comdr. Isquith, and others, heard a knocking from within the overturned ship's hull. Although Japanese planes were still strafing the area, Isquith called for volunteers to return to the hull and investigat e the tapping.  Obtaining a cutting torch from the nearby ''Raleigh'' (CL-7)-herself fighting for survival after taking early torpedo hits-the men went to work.
As a result of the persistence shown by Machinist S. A. Szymanski; Chief Machinist's Mate Terrance MacSelwiney, USNR; and two others whose names were unrecorded, 10 men clambered from a would-be tomb.  The last man out was Fireman Vaessen, who had made his way to the bottom of the ship when she capsized, bearing a flashlight and wrench.
''Utah'' was declared "in ordinary" on 29 December, 1941 and was placed under the control of the Pearl Harbor Base Force.  Partially righted to clear an adjacent berth, she was then declared "out of commission, not in service," on 5 September, 1944.  ''Utah's'' name was struck from the Navy list on 13 November, 1944.  Her partially submerged hulk still remains, rusting, at Pearl Harbor with an unknown number of men trapped inside.
Of ''Utah's'' complement, 30 officers and 431 enlisted men survived the ship's loss; 6 officers and 58 men died-four of the latter being recovered and interred ashore.  Chief Watertender Tomich received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his selfless act in ensuring the safety of others.
[[Category:Florida Class (1910) Battleships]]
''Utah'' (AG-16) received one battle star for her World War II service.
[[Category:Ship of the United States]]
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Revision as of 17:39, 29 October 2007

USS Utah (Battleship No. 31, later BB-31) was a dreadnought battleship of the Florida Class which served in the First World War. She was later sunk as a target ship in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941.

Construction and Early Career

Utah was laid down on 9 March, 1909 at Camden, N.J., by the New York Shipbuilding Company; launched on 23 December, 1909; sponsored by Miss Mary Alice Spry, daughter of Governor William Spry of Utah; and commissioned at the Philadelphia Navy Yard on 31 August, 1911, Captain William S. Benson in command.

After her shakedown cruise - a voyage that took her to Hampton Roads, Va.; Santa Rosa Island and Pensacola, Fla.; Galveston, Tex.; Kingston and Portland Bight, Jamaica; and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - Utah was assigned to the United States Atlantic Fleet in March, 1912. She operated with the Fleet early that spring, conducting exercises in gunnery and torpedo defense, before she entered the New York Navy Yard on 16 April for an overhaul.

Departing New York on 1 June, Utah briefly visited Hampton Roads and then steamed to Annapolis, Md. where she arrived on the 6th. There, she embarked Naval Academy midshipmen and got underway on the 10th for the Virginia Capes and the open Atlantic. She conducted a midshipmen training cruise off the New England seaboard well into the summer before disembarking her contingent of officers-to-be back at Annapolis on 24 and 25 August. Soon thereafter, the battleship headed for the Southern Drill Grounds to conduct gunnery exercises.

For a little over two years, the dreadnought maintained that schedule of operations off the eastern seaboard, ranging from the New England coast to Cuban waters. During that time, she made one cruise to European waters, visiting Villefranche, France, from 8 to 30 November 1913.

Mexican Interlude

Utah began the year 1914 at the New York Navy Yard and sailed south on 5 January. After stopping at Hampton Roads, she reached Cuban waters later in the month for torpedo and small arms exercises. However, due to tension in Mexico, Utah sailed for Mexican waters in early February and reached Vera Cruz on the 16th. She operated off that port until getting underway for Tampico on 9 April with several hundred refugees embarked. Soon thereafter, it was learned that a German steamship, SS Ypiranga, was bound for Vera Cruz with a shipment of arms and munitions earmarked for the dictator Victoriano Huerta. Utah received orders to search for the ship and put to sea and reached Vera Cruz on the 16th. When it appeared that the shipment might be landed, the Navy took steps to take the customs house at Vera Cruz and stop the delivery. Accordingly, plans were drawn up for a landing at Vera Cruz, to commence on 21 April 1914.

Utah consequently landed her "battalion" - 17 officers and 367 sailors under the command of Lieutenant Guy W. S. Castle - as well as her Marine detachment, which formed part of the improvised "First Marine Brigade," made up of detachments of marines from the other ships that had arrived to show American determination. In the ensuing fighting, in which the men of Utah's bluejacket battalion distinguished themselves, seven won medals of honor. Those seven included Lt. Castle, the battalion commander; company commanders Ensigns Oscar C. Badger and Paul F. Foster; section leaders, Chief Turret Captains Niels Drustrup and Abraham Desomer; Chief Gunner George Bradley; and Boatswain's Mate Henry N. Nickerson.

Utah remained at Vera Cruz for almost two months before returning north to the New York Navy Yard in late June for an overhaul. Over the next three years, the battleship operated on a regular routine of battle practices and exercises from off the eastern seaboard into the Caribbean, as the United States readied its forces for the possible entry of the United States into the First World War that had broken out in July, 1914.

First World War

After the United States finally declared war on 6 April, 1917, Utah operated in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay as an engineering and gunnery training ship and continued that duty until 30 August, 1918, when she sailed for the British Isles with Vice Admiral Henry T. Mayo, Commander in Chief, United States Atlantic Fleet, embarked.

Fears of possible attacks by German heavy units upon the large convoys crossing the Atlantic with troops and munitions for the western front prompted the dispatch, to European waters, of a powerful force of American dreadnoughts to Irish waters. Utah - as part of that movement - reached Berehaven, Bantry Bay, Ireland, on 10 September. There, she became the flagship of Rear Admiral Thomas S. Rodgers, Commander, Battleship Division 6. Until the signing of the armistice on 11 November, 1918, Utah, along with the sisterships Oklahoma (Battleship No. 37) and Nevada (Battleship No. 36), operated from Bantry Bay, covering the Allied convoys approaching the British Isles, ready to deal with any surface threat that the German Navy could hurl at the valuable transports and supply ships.

After the cessation of hostilities, Utah visited Portland, England, and later served as part of the honour escort for the transport George Washington (Id. No. 3018), as that ship bore President Woodrow Wilson into the harbour of Brest, France, on 13 December, 1918. The following day, Utah turned homeward and reached New York on Christmas Day, 1918.

Utah remained at anchor in the North River; off New York City, until 30 January, 1919. During that time, she half-masted her colors at 1440 on 7 January due to the death of former President Theodore Roosevelt and, on the 8th, fired salutes at half-hour intervals throughout the day in memory of the great American statesman and proponent of the Navy.

Utah carried out a regular routine of battle practices and maneuvers, ranging from the New England coast to the Caribbean, into mid-1921. During that time, she was classified as BB-31 on 17 July, 1920, during the Navy-wide assignment of hull numbers.

Ultimately departing Boston on 9 July, 1921, Utah proceeded via Lisbon, Portugal, and reached Cherbourg, France, soon thereafter. There, Utah became the flagship for the United States naval forces in European waters. She "showed the flag" at the principal Atlantic coast ports of Europe and in the Mediterranean until relieved by Pittsburgh (CA-4) in October, 1922.

Returning to the United States on 21 October, 1922, Utah then became the flagship of Battleship Division (BatDiv) 6, United States Scouting Fleet and operated with the Scouting Fleet over the next three and one-half years.

Late in 1924, Utah was chosen to carry the United States diplomatic mission to the centennial celebration of the Battle of Ayacucho (9 December, 1824), the decisive action in the Peruvian struggle for independence. Designated as flagship for the special squadron assigned to represent the United States at the festivities, Utah departed New York City on 22 November 1924 with General of the Armies John J. Pershing, USA, and former congressman, the Honorable F. C. Hicks, embarked, and arrived at Callao on 9 December.

Utah disembarked General Pershing and the other members of the mission on Christmas Day, 1924, so that the general and his mission could visit other South American cities inland on their goodwill tour. Meanwhile, Utah, in the weeks that followed, called at the Chilean ports of Punta Arenas and Valparaiso before she rounded Cape Horn and met General Pershing at Montevideo, Uruguay. Reembarking the general and his party there, the battleship then visited in succession: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; La Guaira, Venezuela; and Havana, Cuba, before ending her diplomatic voyage at New York City on 18 March, 1926. Utah spent subsequent summers of 1925 and 1926 with the Midshipman Practice Squadron and, after disembarking her midshipmen at the conclusion of the 1925 cruise, entered the Boston Navy Yard and was decommissioned on 31 October, 1925 for modernization. During that period of alterations and repairs, the ship's "cage" mainmast was replaced by a lighter pole mast; she was fitted to burn oil instead of coal as fuel; and her armament was modified to reflect the increased concern over anti-aircraft defense. Interestingly, Utah and her sistership Florida (BB-30) never received the more modern "tripod" masts fitted to other classes.

Utah was placed back in commission on 1 December, 1925 and, after local operations with the Scouting Fleet, departed Hampton Roads on 21 November, 1928, bound for South America. Reaching Montevideo on 18 December, she there embarked President-elect and Mrs. Herbert C. Hoover; the Honorable Henry T. Fletcher, Ambassador to Italy; and members of the press. Utah transported the President-elect's party to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 21 and 23 December, and then continued her homeward voyage with Mr. Hoover embarked. En route, the President-elect inspected the battleship's crew while at sea, before the ship reached Hampton Roads on 6 January, 1929.

Conversion to Target Ship

However, Utah's days as a battleship were numbered. Under the terms of the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty, Utah was selected for conversion to a mobile target, in place of the former battleship North Dakota; and, on 1 July 1931, Utah's classification was changed to AG-16. Her conversion-carried out at the Norfolk Navy Yard - included the installation of a radio-control apparatus. After having been decommissioned for the duration of the conversion, Utah was recommissioned at Norfolk on 1 April, 1932, Comdr. Randall Jacobs in command.

Utah departed Norfolk on 7 April to train her engineers in using the new installations and for trials of her radio gear by which the ship could be controlled at varying rates of speed and changes of course maneuvers that a ship would conduct in battle. Her electric motors, operated by signals from the controlling ship, opened and closed throttle valves, moved her steering gear, and regulated the supply of oil to her boilers. In addition, a Sperry gyro pilot kept the ship on course.

Returning to port on 21 April, Utah passed her radio control trials off the Virginia capes on 6 May. On 1 June, Utah ran three hours under radio control, with all engineering stations manned; over the next two days, she made two successful runs, each of four hours duration, during which no machinery was touched by human hands. Observers, however - two in each fore room and two in each boiler room - kept telephone information and recorded data.

Her trials completed, Utah departed Norfolk on 9 June. After transiting the Panama Canal she reached San Pedro, Calif., on 30 June, reporting for duty with Training Squadron 1, Base Force, United States Fleet. She conducted her first target duty, for cruisers of the Fleet, on 26 July, and later, on 2 August, conducted rehearsal runs for Nevada (BB-36), Utah being controlled from Hovey (DD-208) and Talbot (DD-114).

Over the next nine years, the erstwhile battleship performed a vital service to the fleet as a mobile target, contributing realism to the training of naval aviators in dive, torpedo, and high level bombing. Thus, she greatly aided the development of tactics in those areas. On one occasion, she even served as a troop transport, embarking 223 officers and men of the Fleet Marine Force at Sand Island, Midway, for amphibious operations at Hilo Bay, Hawaii, as part of Fleet Problem XVI in the early summer of 1936. She then transported the marines from Hawaii to San Diego, Calif., disembarking them there on 12 June, 1936.

That same month, June, 1935, saw the establishment of a fleet machine gun school on board 'Utah while she continued her mission as a mobile target. The former dreadnought received her first instructors on board in August, 1936, and the first students drawn from the ships' companies of Raleigh (CL-7), Concord (CL-10), Omaha (CL-4), Memphis (CL-13), Milwaukee (CL-5), and Ranger (CV-4) - reported aboard for training on 20 September. Subsequently, during the 1936 and 1937 gunnery year, Utah was fitted with a new quadruple 1.1-inch machine gun mount for experimental test and development by the machine gun school. Some of the first tests of that type of weapon were conducted on board.

Utah - besides serving as a realistic target for exercises involving carrier-based planes - also towed targets during battle practices conducted by the Fleet's battleships and took part in the yearly "fleet problems." She transited the Panama Canal on 9 January, 1939 to participate in Fleet Problem XX - part of the maneuvers observed personally by President Franklin D. Roosevelt from the heavy cruiser Houston (CA-30).

After providing mobile target services for the submarines of Submarine Squadron 6 in the late autumn and early winter of 1939, Utah devoted the eight months that followed to special machine gun practices. The following summer, Utah sailed for the Hawaiian Islands reaching Pearl Harbor on 1 August, 1940, and fired advanced antiaircraft gunnery practice in the Hawaiian operating area until 14 December, 1940, when she sailed for the west coast, returning to Long Beach four days before Christmas.

For the next two months, Utah operated as a mobile bombing target off San Clemente Island, Calif., for planes from Patrol Wing 1, and from the carriers Lexington (CV-2), Saratoga (CV-3), and Enterprise (CV-6). Utah returned to Hawaiian waters on 1 April, 1941, embarking gunners for the Advanced Antiaircraft Gun School, men drawn from West Virginia (BB-48), Oklahoma, Colorado (BB-45), Phoenix (CL-46), Nashville (CL-43), Philadelphia (CL-41) and New Orleans (CA-32).

Over the weeks that followed, she trained her embarked gunner students in control and loading drills for the 5-inch batteries, firing runs on radio-controlled drone targets as well as .50-caliber and 1.1-inch firing on drones and balloons. Utah put into Los Angeles harbor on 20 May and there embarked Fleet Marine Force passengers for transportation to Bremerton, Wash. Putting the marines ashore a week later, the ship entered the Puget Sound Navy Yard on 31 May, 1941.

During the ensuing overhaul, Utah received repairs and alterations designed to make her a more effective gunnery training ship. The alterations included the addition of 5-inch/38-caliber guns in single mounts with gunshields-similar to those fitted on the more modern types of destroyers then in service. She also lost her prewar colors, being repainted in overall measure one camouflage - dark gray with pale gray tops. With war paint thus donned, Utah sailed for Hawaiian waters on 14 September, after visits to Port Townsend, Wash., and San Francisco and San Pedro, Calif. She arrived at Pearl Harbor soon thereafter and carried out antiaircraft training and target duties through the late autumn.

Sinking at Pearl Harbour

Utah completed an advanced antiaircraft gunnery cruise in Hawaiian waters shortly before she returned to Pearl Harbor in early December 1941, mooring off Ford Island in berth F-11. On the morning of 7 December, 1941, the senior officer on board-the captain and executive officer were ashore on leave-was Lt. Comdr. Solomon S. Isquith, the engineer officer.

Shortly before 0800, men topside noted three planes-taken for American planes on maneuvers-heading in a northerly direction from the harbor entrance. They made a low dive at the southern end of Ford Island - where the seaplane hangers were situated - and began dropping bombs.

The attack on the fleet at Pearl Harbor lasted a little under two hours, but for Utah, it was over in a few minutes. At 0801, soon after sailors had begun raising the colors at the ship's fantail, the erstwhile battleship took a torpedo hit forward , and immediately started to list to port.

As the ship began to roll ponderously over on her beam ends, 6-by-12-inch timbers-placed on the decks to cushion them against the impact of the bombs used during the ship's latest stint as a mobile target-began to shift, hampering the efforts of the crew to abandon ship. Below, men headed topside while they could. One however, Chief Watertender Peter Tomich, remained below, making sure that the boilers were secured and that all men had gotten out of the engineering spaces. Another man, Fireman John B. Vae ssen, USNR, remained at his post in the dynamo room, making sure that the ship had enough power to keep her lights going as long as possible.

Comdr. Isquith made an inspection to make sure men were out and nearly became trapped himself. As the ship began to turn over, he found an escape hatch blocked. While he was attempting to escape through a porthole, a table upon which he was standing-impel led by the ever-increasing list of the ship-slipped out from beneath him. fortunately, a man outside grabbed Isquith's arm and pulled him through at the last instant.

At 0812, the mooring lines snapped, and Utah rolled over on her beam ends; her survivors struck out for shore, some taking shelter on the mooring quays since Japanese strafers were active.

Shortly after most of the men had reached shore, Comdr. Isquith, and others, heard a knocking from within the overturned ship's hull. Although Japanese planes were still strafing the area, Isquith called for volunteers to return to the hull and investigat e the tapping. Obtaining a cutting torch from the nearby Raleigh (CL-7)-herself fighting for survival after taking early torpedo hits-the men went to work.

As a result of the persistence shown by Machinist S. A. Szymanski; Chief Machinist's Mate Terrance MacSelwiney, USNR; and two others whose names were unrecorded, 10 men clambered from a would-be tomb. The last man out was Fireman Vaessen, who had made his way to the bottom of the ship when she capsized, bearing a flashlight and wrench.

Utah was declared "in ordinary" on 29 December, 1941 and was placed under the control of the Pearl Harbor Base Force. Partially righted to clear an adjacent berth, she was then declared "out of commission, not in service," on 5 September, 1944. Utah's name was struck from the Navy list on 13 November, 1944. Her partially submerged hulk still remains, rusting, at Pearl Harbor with an unknown number of men trapped inside.

Of Utah's complement, 30 officers and 431 enlisted men survived the ship's loss; 6 officers and 58 men died-four of the latter being recovered and interred ashore. Chief Watertender Tomich received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his selfless act in ensuring the safety of others.

Utah (AG-16) received one battle star for her World War II service.

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