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==Early Life & Career==
==Early Life & Career==
Chatfield was born on 27 September 1873 in Southsea, the fourth child and only son of Admiral Alfred John Chatfield (1831–1910) and his wife, Louisa, eldest daughter of Thomas Faulconer, of Hampstead. Much of his early childhood was spent in naval circles, first in Malta when his father commanded Thunderer in the Mediterranean Fleet and later at Devonport and Pembroke Dock during the years that his father held shore appointments in those establishments. He was educated at St Andrew's School, Tenby, and in 1886 passed the examination for entry into the Britannia, joining her at Dartmouth a few days before his thirteenth birthday. On passing out in 1888 he joined the Iron Duke, a barque-rigged battleship in the Channel Fleet, and a few months later was appointed to the Cleopatra, a new corvette bound for the South American station. She also was square-rigged with auxiliary steam engines and during the young Chatfield's early years in the navy he had much experience of sail and sail drill. Fortunately it did not last long enough to indoctrinate him into the die-hard resistance to change which so dominated the Royal Navy of the late nineteenth century.
Chatfield was confirmed in the rank Sub-Lieutenant dated 27 September, 1892, and promoted to the rank of {{LieutRN}} dated 27 March, 1894.{{Gaz|26508|2510|1 May, 1894}}
As a lieutenant Chatfield specialized in gunnery during a period when the need for developing a modern navy suitable to the times was widely recognized as paramount, and when the specialist, particularly in gunnery and torpedoes, was usually starred for advancement. In 1899, when he took up his first sea-going appointment as a gunnery specialist in the Caesar, the navy was undergoing a long overdue surge of feeling towards modern appliances and modern techniques. Stimulated by the advanced naval doctrines of Sir John Fisher and, particularly in the art and practice of gunnery by Captain (later Admiral Sir) Percy Scott, Chatfield was swept up in this surge and became an enthusiastic and, in his specialization, a brilliant supporter of any and every technical advance which could add to the efficiency of the navy. These were the years of the naval building competition with Germany, and the knowledge of a new navy building and training hard on the other side of the North Sea acted as a spur to most of the younger naval officers to dedicate themselves to their profession. Chatfield was undoubtedly one of these.
He was promoted to the rank of {{CaptRN}} on 30 June, 1909.{{Gaz|28263|4857|25 June, 1909}} 
In 1909 Chatfield married Lillian Emma St John (d. 1977), daughter of Major George L. Matthews; they had two daughters, one of whom died in 1943, and one son. In 1909 he was promoted captain and appointed to command the Albemarle in the Atlantic Fleet, in which one of his fellow captains was David Beatty. He first became Beatty's flag captain in the Aboukir for six weeks during the manoeuvres of 1912, and when Beatty was appointed in 1913 to command the battle-cruiser squadron, flying his flag in the Lion, he again took Chatfield with him as his flag captain with the additional responsibility of organizing and training the squadron in gunnery. Thus he took part in the three principal actions fought in the North Sea, those of Heligoland Bight (28 August 1914), Dogger Bank (24 January 1915), and Jutland (31 May 1916). The Lion was heavily hit at both the Dogger Bank and the Jutland battles, sustaining considerable damage, due in part to the faulty distribution of fire of the battle cruisers which in each action left a German opponent unengaged, a surprising lapse in a gunnery officer of Chatfield's calibre.  In the King's Birthday Honours of 3 June, 1916, Chatfield was appointed a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (C.B.).<ref>''London Gazette'': [http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/29608/supplements/5553 (Supplement) no. 29608p. 5553.]  2 June, 1916.</ref> Chatfield remained in the Lion until November 1916, when Beatty relieved Sir John Jellicoe as commander-in-chief, Grand Fleet, and again Chatfield went with him as flag captain and chief of staff first in the Iron Duke and later in the Queen Elizabeth.
He was appointed in command of the battleship {{UK-Albemarle|f=t}} on 26 August, 1909.<ref>Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43f. 346.</ref>
After the war, in June 1919, Chatfield went to the Admiralty as fourth sea lord, becoming assistant chief of staff in February 1920, shortly after Beatty had taken up his appointment as first sea lord in November 1919. As such he had an important part to play in the negotiations for the treaty for the limitation of naval armaments, the end result of the Washington conference of 1921–2.  On 26 January, 1920 he was appointed a Naval Aide-de-Camp to King George V.<ref>''London Gazette'': [http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/31791/supplements/2189 (Supplement) no. 31791.  p. 2189.]  24 February, 1920.</ref> He had been promoted rear-admiral in August 1920 and, when Beatty left the conference in November 1921 to look after naval affairs at home, Chatfield became the senior naval delegate in Washington, a position which involved him in long technical discussions on the levels of armament and displacement of the future naval ships of all the maritime nations. This introduction to international and political negotiations on naval affairs, allied to his extensive experience of senior command at sea and of the administrative machine in the Admiralty, gave him an unrivalled background against which to build his future career. Already he had very clear views of the future shape and organization of the navy, and was clearly marked for promotion to high office.
On 8 February, 1910, he was appointed in command of the {{UK-1London|f=t}}.<ref>"Naval and Military Intelligence" (Official Appointments and Notices).  ''The Times''. Monday, 31 January, 1910Issue '''39183''', col B, p. 17.</ref>
After two years in command of the 3rd cruiser squadron in the Mediterranean, Chatfield returned to the Admiralty in 1925 as third sea lord and controller of the navy, a position which he did not relish. As controller he was responsible for the material development and supply of the navy, whereas his chief interest lay more in organization and in tactical and strategical thought. At the same time it was a particularly difficult period, hedged in as it was by the limitations on size and armament agreed at the Washington conference, by the ‘ten year rule’ laid down by the Treasury, on which all service estimates were to be based, and also hindered by various Treasury committees set up to enforce the deflationary fiscal policies of those years, and by severe disagreement with the United States over the number of cruisers required by Britain for the defence of the empire. Chatfield was the main driving force in resisting American demands for a reduction in British cruiser strength, and it was his insistence, against strong Treasury and, indeed, cabinet, opposition to his views, which finally won the day. He was, at the same time, brought into the unhappy dispute with the Air Ministry over control of the Fleet Air Arm, and also had to concern himself with the decision to build up Singapore as a defended naval base in the Far East. He remained controller for three and a half years, being promoted {{ViceRN}} on [[1 March]], [[1926]].
Chatfield was appointed Captain of {{UK-Aboukir}} on 2 July, 1912.<ref>Chatfield Service Record. {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}} f. 346.</ref>
On leaving the Admiralty, Chatfield hoisted his flag in 1929 in the Nelson as commander-in-chief, Atlantic Fleet, and a year later was transferred to the Mediterranean Fleet, having in the meantime been promoted admiral (1930). He flew his flag in the Queen Elizabeth, the same ship in which he had ended the First World War as Beatty's flag captain. During his two years in the Mediterranean as commander-in-chief he exercised the fleet many times in night fighting, filling a large gap in naval training the need for which had been demonstrated in 1916, when the German high seas fleet had been allowed to escape from possible destruction in the battle of Jutland. Night fighting exercises had been first instituted in 1921, but in a desultory fashion, and it was largely as a result of Chatfield's enthusiasm in the Mediterranean that it took its proper and overdue place in fleet training. He also experimented with carriers and naval aircraft in an attempt to introduce a viable tactical doctrine for their use in battle; this had little success partly because of the low priority which was given to the development of the aircraft-carrier and to naval aircraft under Air Ministry control.
He was appointed command of the {{UK-1Southampton|f=t}} on 24 September, 1912.<ref>Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.</ref>
In 1933, on the expiration of his term of command, Chatfield realized his great ambition by returning to the Admiralty as first sea lord. Since the limitations on naval shipbuilding imposed by the Washington and London (1930) treaties were due to expire in 1936, he set about preparing a new building programme which would restore the navy to something like the power it had formerly enjoyed before the cuts imposed on it had reduced its operational strength. At the same time, determined to rectify the weakness which his Mediterranean experiences in carrier and aircraft exercises had revealed, he renewed the battle with the Air Ministry for naval control of the Fleet Air Arm. In this he was successful when, in 1937, the cabinet upheld the Admiralty's case.
Rear-Admiral [[Charles Edward Madden, First Baronet|Charles E. Madden]] apparently asked Chatfield to be his Flag Captain in the {{UK-CS|3}}, an offer he evidently declined.<ref>Chatfield to [[Vincent Wilberforce Baddeley|Sir Vincent W. Baddeley]]. Letter of 10 January, 1946. NMRN, Portsmouth: MSS 264.</ref>
As a gunnery specialist, Chatfield had always been a firm supporter of the battleship as the dominant weapon at sea, and there were those who feared, on his appointment as first sea lord, that too great a proportion of the money voted for naval rearmament would be spent on the construction of these expensive ships to the detriment of cruisers and, particularly, of destroyers and escort vessels. The experience gained in the U-boat campaign of the First World War, and the technical advances made in submarine construction and torpedoes since then, meant that there were many naval officers who considered that in the next war (a war which, during Chatfield's term of office, seemed increasingly likely to be fought against Hitler's Germany), the decisive battle would be fought against submarines in the Atlantic. Because of this, they felt that during naval rearmament priority should be given to the building of an adequate convoy escort force for anti-submarine warfare. In the event, a large programme of new battleship construction was authorized, and it was only after four years of war, and grievous losses of merchant tonnage, that the escort forces were at last able to assert a mastery over the U-boats. Nevertheless, the fact that the navy, throughout the first three years of the war, was able to meet and discharge the heavy commitments which it was called upon to undertake, though with very little to spare, was due largely to Chatfield's drive. His term of office as first sea lord was twice extended, and he left the Admiralty in August 1938, having been promoted admiral of the fleet in 1935 and raised to the peerage as first Baron Chatfield in the coronation honours list of 1937.
==Great War==
In the King's Birthday Honours of 3 June, 1916, Chatfield was appointed an Additional Member of the Third Class, or Companion, of the Military Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (C.B.).{{GazSup|29608|5553|2 June, 1916}}
On 15 September he was appointed an Additional Member of the Third Class, or Companion, in the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (C.M.G.) for his services at Jutland, dated 31 May.{{GazSup|29751|9071|15 September, 1916}}
After leaving the Admiralty, Chatfield served as chairman of the expert committee on Indian defence (1938–9), and while still in India received an invitation from the prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, to join the cabinet as minister for co-ordination of defence, in succession to T. W. H. Inskip. He started this work in Whitehall in February 1939 at a time when it was certain that war with a rearmed Germany could not be long delayed. He was sworn of the privy council on taking up the appointment, having been admitted to the Order of Merit in the previous month. But the essential pragmatism of politics was entirely foreign to one who had been brought up since youth to the decision-taking character of naval life, and he was constantly irked by his lack of power to press ahead in his own way with the rapid build-up, which war demanded, of the navy, army, and air force. As he himself wrote in his memoirs, when he found himself after the declaration of war a member of the war cabinet, he was little more than ‘a fifth wheel to the coach’ (Chatfield, The Navy and Defence), but his malaise in political life went deeper than that. He was apt to be intolerant of politicians, perhaps not understanding that they, like him, also had their particular spheres of responsibility for which they were answerable to parliament. His disillusionment with the political side of service life was also exacerbated by the fact that, although he was an admiral of the fleet, he now had no say in the chiefs of staff committee which, as first sea lord, he had grown used to dominate. He was asked to resign in March 1940 and his office was abolished. He then turned his undoubted abilities to less irksome occupations, of which the most important was the chairmanship of the committee on evacuation of casualties in London region hospitals.
Chatfield was one of the most able and dedicated naval officers of his generation, a man of great intellect, force of character, and complete integrity. In stature he was small, with little of the traditional look of an admiral about him, and he was austere with little sense of humour. He reached the top of his profession, deservedly, through hard work, an intense devotion to duty, and an unbending resolution to carry into effect the policies he considered necessary to transform the hidebound Grand Fleet of 1914–18 into the flexible instrument so ably used by the fleet commanders of 1939–45, a transformation as successful as it was necessary. He received many decorations and honours in his life, both British and foreign, which included honorary degrees from both Oxford and Cambridge universities.
In recognition of his services during the war he was appointed an Additional Member of the Second Class, or Knight Commander, in the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (K.C.M.G.) on 5 April, 1919.{{GazSup|31274|4516|5 April, 1919}}
Chatfield died at his home, the Small House, Farnham Common, on 15 November 1967 and was succeeded in the barony by his son, Ernle David Lewis (b. 1917).
On 26 January, 1920 he was appointed a [[Naval Aide-de-Camp]] to King George V.{{GazSup|31791|2189|24 February, 1920}}  On 31 July he was promoted to the rank of {{RearRN}}, vice [[William Edmund Goodenough|Goodenough]].{{Gaz|32017|8408|13 August, 1920}}
'''Wealth at death;''' £20,988: probate, 11 April. 1968.
He was promoted to the rank of {{ViceRN}} on 1 March, 1926.{{Gaz|33139|1650|5 March, 1926}}
He was promoted to the rank of {{AdmRN}} on 1 April, 1930, vice [[Hugh Dudley Richards Watson|Watson]].{{Gaz|33596|2327|11 April, 1930}}
On 8 May, 1935, he was promoted to the rank of {{FleetRN}}, vice [[Roger John Brownlow Keyes, First Baron Keyes|Keyes]].{{Gaz|34159|3048|10 May, 1935}}
In 1938, he served as Chairman of the Expert Committee on Indian Defence, and received an expression of appreciation for his services on 20 February of 1939.<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>
A Naval Identity Card was issued for him in 1943 &mdash; No. 123811.  He became  the Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Buckingham on 15 June, 1951.<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}} f. 346.</ref>
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*[http://collections.rmg.co.uk/archive/objects/491702.html Papers in the possession of the National Maritime Museum.]  For a detailed list see [[Chatfield Papers at the National Maritime Museum]].
==Service Records==
*{{TNA|ADM 196/141.|D8120720}}
*{{TNA|ADM 196/89.|D8115591}}
*{{TNA|ADM 196/43.|D7602643}}
<div name=fredbot:appts>{{TabApptsBegin}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Henry William Grant|Henry W. Grant]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. Albemarle (1901)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Albemarle'']]'''<br>26 Aug, 1909{{NLJan10|p. 274}}<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref> &ndash; 8 Feb, 1910<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[John Scott Luard|John S. Luard]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[James Clement Ley|James C. Ley]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. London (1899)|Captain of H.M.S. ''London'']]'''<br>8 Feb, 1910<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref> &ndash; 26 Aug, 1910<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Hugh Francis Paget Sinclair|Hugh F. P. Sinclair]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[James Lewis Soltan Kirkness|James L. S. Kirkness]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. Aboukir (1900)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Aboukir'']]'''<br>2 Jul, 1912<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Bentinck John Davies Yelverton|Bentinck J. D. Yelverton]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''New Command'''|'''[[H.M.S. Southampton (1912)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Southampton'']]'''<br>24 Sep, 1912<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43}}.  f. 346.</ref> &ndash; Mar, 1913<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Arthur Allan Morison Duff|Arthur A. M. Duff]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Arthur Allan Morison Duff|Arthur A. M. Duff]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. Lion (1910)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Lion'']]'''<br>1 Mar, 1913<ref>"Naval and Military Intelligence" (Official Appointments and Notices).  ''The Times''.  Friday, 7 February, 1913.  Issue '''40129''', col C, p. 11.</ref>{{NLDec16|p. 395''vv''}} &ndash; 29 Nov, 1916<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Roger Roland Charles Backhouse|Roger R. C. Backhouse]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Frederic Charles Dreyer|Frederic C. Dreyer]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. Iron Duke (1912)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Iron Duke'']]'''<br>29 Nov, 1916<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43}}.  f. 346.</ref> &ndash; 15 Feb, 1917<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Eustace La Trobe Leatham|Eustace La T. Leatham]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Eustace La Trobe Leatham|Eustace La T. Leatham]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth (1913)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Queen Elizabeth'']]'''<br>15 Feb, 1917<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43}}.  f. 346.</ref> &ndash; 7 Apr, 1919<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Matthew Robert Best|The Hon. Matthew R. Best]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Hugh Henry Darby Tothill|Sir Hugh H. D. Tothill]]'''|'''[[Fourth Sea Lord|Fourth Sea Lord and Chief of Supplies and Transport]]'''<br>18 Jun, 1919{{UKNavalStaff|p. 126}} &ndash; 15 Mar, 1920<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Algernon Douglas Edward Harry Boyle|The Hon. Algernon D. E. H. Boyle]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[James Andrew Fergusson|James A. Fergusson]]'''|'''[[Assistant Chief of Naval Staff|Assistant Chief of Naval Staff]]'''<br>15 Mar, 1920{{UKNavalStaff|p. 123}} &ndash; 1 Dec, 1922<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Cyril Thomas Moulden Fuller|Cyril T. M. Fuller]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Reginald Yorke Tyrwhitt, First Baronet|Sir Reginald Y. Tyrwhitt, Bart.]]'''|'''[[Third Light Cruiser Squadron (Royal Navy)|Rear-Admiral Commanding, Third Light Cruiser Squadron]]'''<br>11 Dec, 1922 &ndash; Sep, 1924|Succeeded by<br>'''Continued Operation as the {{UK-CS|3}}'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''The {{UK-LCS|3}}'''|'''[[Third Cruiser Squadron (Royal Navy)|Rear-Admiral Commanding, Third Cruiser Squadron]]'''<br>Sep, 1924<ref>Chatfield commanded the {{UK-LCS|3}} until it was renamed 3 C.S. in this month.</ref> &ndash; 22 Jan, 1925|Succeeded by<br>'''[[John William Leopold McClintock|John W. L. McClintock]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Cyril Thomas Moulden Fuller|Cyril T. M. Fuller]]'''|'''[[Third Sea Lord|Third Sea Lord and Controller of the Navy]]'''<br>30 Apr, 1925<ref>"Naval and Military" (Official Appointments and Notices).  ''The Times''.  Thursday, 30 April, 1925.  Issue '''43949''', col E, p. 10.</ref> &ndash; 1 Nov, 1928<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Roger Roland Charles Backhouse|Roger R. C. Backhouse]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Hubert George Brand|The Hon. Sir Hubert G. Brand]]'''|'''[[Atlantic Fleet (Royal Navy)|Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet]]'''<br>17 Apr, 1929<ref>"Atlantic Fleet Command" (Official Appointments and Notices).  ''The Times''.  Thursday, 1 November, 1928.  Issue '''45039''', col D, p. 11.</ref> &ndash; 27 May, 1930<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Michael Henry Hodges|Sir Michael H. Hodges]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Frederick Laurence Field|Sir Frederick L. Field]]'''|'''[[Mediterranean Station|Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Station]]'''<br>27 May, 1930 &ndash; 31 Oct, 1932|Succeeded by<br>'''[[William Wordsworth Fisher|Sir William W. Fisher]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Frederick Laurence Field|Sir Frederick L. Field]]'''|'''[[First Sea Lord|First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff]]'''<br>21 Jan, 1933<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref> &ndash; 7 Sep, 1938<ref>Chatfield Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/43.}}  f. 346.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Roger Roland Charles Backhouse|Sir Roger R. C. Backhouse]]'''}}
</div name=fredbot:appts>
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" align="center"
{{DEFAULTSORT:Chatfield, Ernle}}
| colspan="3" align="center" style="background:#CEDFF2" | '''Naval Office'''
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| Preceded by<br>'''[[Arthur Allan Morison Duff|Arthur A. M. Duff]]'''
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| '''[[H.M.S. Lion (1910)|Commanding Officer of H.M.S. ''Lion'']]'''<br>1913 &ndash; 1916
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| Succeeded by<br>'''[[Roger Roland Charles Backhouse|Roger R. C.  Backhouse]]'''
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| Preceded by<br>'''[[Frederic Charles Dreyer|Frederic C. Dreyer]]'''
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| '''[[H.M.S. Iron Duke (1912)|Commanding Officer of H.M.S. ''Iron Duke'']]'''<br>1913 &ndash; 1916
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| Succeeded by<br>'''[[Eustace La Trobe Leatham|Eustace La T. Leatham]]'''
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| Preceded by<br>'''[[Frederick Laurence Field|Sir Frederick L. Field]]'''
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| '''[[First Sea Lord|First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff]]'''<br>1933 &ndash; 1938
| width="220" style="border-bottom:1px solid grey;"  align="center"| Succeeded by<br>'''[[Roger Roland Charles Backhouse|Sir Roger R. C. Backhouse]]'''
[[Category:1873 births|Chatfield]]
[[Category:1967 deaths|Chatfield]]
{{CatBritannia|July, 1886}}
[[Category:Royal Navy Gunnery Officers|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Commanding Officers of H.M.S. Albemarle (1901)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Commanding Officers of H.M.S. London (1899)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Commanding Officers of H.M.S. Southampton (1913)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Commanding Officers of H.M.S. Lion (1910)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Commanding Officers of H.M.S. Iron Duke (1912)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Commanding Officers of H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth (1913)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Fourth Sea Lords|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Assistant Chiefs of the Naval Staff|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Rear-Admirals Commanding, Third Cruiser Squadron (Royal Navy)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Third Sea Lords|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Commanders-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet (Royal Navy)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Commanders-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet (Royal Navy)|Chatfield]]
[[Category:First Sea Lords|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Royal Navy Admirals of the Fleet|Chatfield]]
[[Category:Royal Navy Flag Officers|Chatfield]]

Latest revision as of 18:55, 27 June 2022

Admiral of the Fleet THE RIGHT HONOURABLE Alfred Ernle Montacute Chatfield, First Baron Chatfield, P.C., G.C.B., O.M. (27 September, 1873 – 15 November, 1967) was an officer of the Royal Navy during the First World War. He acted as Flag Captain to David Beatty, First Earl Beatty for six years before service at the Admiralty and fleet command. He served as First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff from 1933 to 1938 and started the critical buildup of the Navy as the military and naval threat from Germany emerged.

Early Life & Career

Chatfield was confirmed in the rank Sub-Lieutenant dated 27 September, 1892, and promoted to the rank of Lieutenant dated 27 March, 1894.[1]

He was promoted to the rank of Captain on 30 June, 1909.[2]

He was appointed in command of the battleship battleship Albemarle on 26 August, 1909.[3]

On 8 February, 1910, he was appointed in command of the battleship London.[4]

Chatfield was appointed Captain of Aboukir on 2 July, 1912.[5]

He was appointed command of the light cruiser Southampton on 24 September, 1912.[6]

Rear-Admiral Charles E. Madden apparently asked Chatfield to be his Flag Captain in the Third Cruiser Squadron, an offer he evidently declined.[7]

Great War

In the King's Birthday Honours of 3 June, 1916, Chatfield was appointed an Additional Member of the Third Class, or Companion, of the Military Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (C.B.).[8]

On 15 September he was appointed an Additional Member of the Third Class, or Companion, in the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (C.M.G.) for his services at Jutland, dated 31 May.[9]


In recognition of his services during the war he was appointed an Additional Member of the Second Class, or Knight Commander, in the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (K.C.M.G.) on 5 April, 1919.[10]

On 26 January, 1920 he was appointed a Naval Aide-de-Camp to King George V.[11] On 31 July he was promoted to the rank of Rear-Admiral, vice Goodenough.[12]

He was promoted to the rank of Vice-Admiral on 1 March, 1926.[13]

He was promoted to the rank of Admiral on 1 April, 1930, vice Watson.[14]

On 8 May, 1935, he was promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Fleet, vice Keyes.[15]

In 1938, he served as Chairman of the Expert Committee on Indian Defence, and received an expression of appreciation for his services on 20 February of 1939.[16]

A Naval Identity Card was issued for him in 1943 — No. 123811. He became the Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Buckingham on 15 June, 1951.[17]


  • Beatty, Admiral of the Fleet David, First Earl Beatty (1993). Ranft, Bryan McL.. ed. The Beatty Papers. Volume II. London: Navy Records Society. ISBN 0859678067.
  • Chatfield, Admiral of the Fleet Lord Chatfield (1942). The Navy and Defence: The Autobiography of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Chatfield. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • Chatfield, Admiral of the Fleet Lord Chatfield (1947). It Might Happen Again. London: William Heinemann Ltd.


Service Records

Naval Appointments
Preceded by
Henry W. Grant
Captain of H.M.S. Albemarle
26 Aug, 1909[18][19] – 8 Feb, 1910[20]
Succeeded by
John S. Luard
Preceded by
James C. Ley
Captain of H.M.S. London
8 Feb, 1910[21] – 26 Aug, 1910[22]
Succeeded by
Hugh F. P. Sinclair
Preceded by
James L. S. Kirkness
Captain of H.M.S. Aboukir
2 Jul, 1912[23]
Succeeded by
Bentinck J. D. Yelverton
Preceded by
New Command
Captain of H.M.S. Southampton
24 Sep, 1912[24] – Mar, 1913[25]
Succeeded by
Arthur A. M. Duff
Preceded by
Arthur A. M. Duff
Captain of H.M.S. Lion
1 Mar, 1913[26][27] – 29 Nov, 1916[28]
Succeeded by
Roger R. C. Backhouse
Preceded by
Frederic C. Dreyer
Captain of H.M.S. Iron Duke
29 Nov, 1916[29] – 15 Feb, 1917[30]
Succeeded by
Eustace La T. Leatham
Preceded by
Eustace La T. Leatham
Captain of H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth
15 Feb, 1917[31] – 7 Apr, 1919[32]
Succeeded by
The Hon. Matthew R. Best
Preceded by
Sir Hugh H. D. Tothill
Fourth Sea Lord and Chief of Supplies and Transport
18 Jun, 1919[33] – 15 Mar, 1920[34]
Succeeded by
The Hon. Algernon D. E. H. Boyle
Preceded by
James A. Fergusson
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff
15 Mar, 1920[35] – 1 Dec, 1922[36]
Succeeded by
Cyril T. M. Fuller
Preceded by
Sir Reginald Y. Tyrwhitt, Bart.
Rear-Admiral Commanding, Third Light Cruiser Squadron
11 Dec, 1922 – Sep, 1924
Succeeded by
Continued Operation as the Third Cruiser Squadron
Preceded by
The Third Light Cruiser Squadron
Rear-Admiral Commanding, Third Cruiser Squadron
Sep, 1924[37] – 22 Jan, 1925
Succeeded by
John W. L. McClintock
Preceded by
Cyril T. M. Fuller
Third Sea Lord and Controller of the Navy
30 Apr, 1925[38] – 1 Nov, 1928[39]
Succeeded by
Roger R. C. Backhouse
Preceded by
The Hon. Sir Hubert G. Brand
Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet
17 Apr, 1929[40] – 27 May, 1930[41]
Succeeded by
Sir Michael H. Hodges
Preceded by
Sir Frederick L. Field
Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Station
27 May, 1930 – 31 Oct, 1932
Succeeded by
Sir William W. Fisher
Preceded by
Sir Frederick L. Field
First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff
21 Jan, 1933[42] – 7 Sep, 1938[43]
Succeeded by
Sir Roger R. C. Backhouse


  1. The London Gazette: no. 26508. p. 2510. 1 May, 1894.
  2. The London Gazette: no. 28263. p. 4857. 25 June, 1909.
  3. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  4. "Naval and Military Intelligence" (Official Appointments and Notices). The Times. Monday, 31 January, 1910. Issue 39183, col B, p. 17.
  5. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  6. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  7. Chatfield to Sir Vincent W. Baddeley. Letter of 10 January, 1946. NMRN, Portsmouth: MSS 264.
  8. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 29608. p. 5553. 2 June, 1916.
  9. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 29751. p. 9071. 15 September, 1916.
  10. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 31274. p. 4516. 5 April, 1919.
  11. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 31791. p. 2189. 24 February, 1920.
  12. The London Gazette: no. 32017. p. 8408. 13 August, 1920.
  13. The London Gazette: no. 33139. p. 1650. 5 March, 1926.
  14. The London Gazette: no. 33596. p. 2327. 11 April, 1930.
  15. The London Gazette: no. 34159. p. 3048. 10 May, 1935.
  16. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  17. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  18. The Navy List. (January, 1910). p. 274.
  19. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  20. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  21. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  22. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  23. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  24. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  25. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  26. "Naval and Military Intelligence" (Official Appointments and Notices). The Times. Friday, 7 February, 1913. Issue 40129, col C, p. 11.
  27. The Navy List. (December, 1916). p. 395vv.
  28. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  29. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  30. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  31. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  32. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  33. The Naval Staff of the Admiralty. p. 126.
  34. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  35. The Naval Staff of the Admiralty. p. 123.
  36. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  37. Chatfield commanded the Third Light Cruiser Squadron until it was renamed 3 C.S. in this month.
  38. "Naval and Military" (Official Appointments and Notices). The Times. Thursday, 30 April, 1925. Issue 43949, col E, p. 10.
  39. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  40. "Atlantic Fleet Command" (Official Appointments and Notices). The Times. Thursday, 1 November, 1928. Issue 45039, col D, p. 11.
  41. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  42. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.
  43. Chatfield Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 346.